Father reveals he checks his daughters virginity routinely.


Why even care?

A bit weird don’t you think
It's principle and culture. Don't want bastards running around who suffer low self esteem and becoem criminals that society will despise. Trust me i go to visit family in the hood. Too many women get pregnant by men that abandon the kids and create a society of chaos. Of course if a community normalises this then they will rightfully be looked down upon as a lowly ppl. Lets just say this is the norm for some minorities that have been in the uk longer than somalis and pakis combined.


He just seems like a huge hypocrite, glamourising degeneracy and then expecting his kids to be 100% pure. It’s bad enough that he’s being creepy about it, he’s exposing this to everyone. I feel for the poor girl, imagine how embarrassing that must be.

Not only that, virgin checks aren’t that accurate. The hymen isn’t like a piece of paper that gets ripped once something goes through it, it’s more like an elastic ring surrounding the vaginal opening. It varies a lot in shape both amongst virgins and non-virgins.

Most women don’t even bleed the first time they are penetrated. If they are bleeding then they’re probably not lubricated and h**** enough or possibly even nervous.

