Farmaajo unilaterally calls for meeting in Garowe on Feb 15, Puntland responds


What does he actually have to say to deni he hasn’t said before
Unless it’s a final warning before September...

deni gonna depart like the world trade centre soon :ufdup:
Deni called farmaajo and told him we accept your conditions and let's have a shir in garowe. That's why farmaajo changed the script of his speech at the parliament. Later, Farmaajo called Deni and said the shir will be held in Garowe which Deni agreed to. Deni now says no one consulted him and says change the location to Mogadishu. :noneck:


True Puntlander
Deni called farmaajo and told him we accept your conditions and let's have a shir in garowe. That's why farmaajo changed the script of his speech at the parliament. Later, Farmaajo called Deni and said the shir will be held in Garowe which Deni agreed to. Deni now says no one consulted him and says change the location to Mogadishu. :noneck:
Xarmaajo before 8 Feb, has authority to choice any city and Shiir will happen.

But anything after 8 Feb is invalid.
Screenshot 2021-02-10 at 13.03.46.png

See you in HALANE Squattermaajo
No Allies-Maajo

Sharmaajo is still shaking from the DhusoMareeb attack and having to sleep in an armoured car. The homeless fuleey picked Garowe for a reason.

he picked garowe to say see they are spoilers if they refused, and make them look like they are double dealing and stabbing other states in the back if they accepted

who advises this dude?

like ahmed madoobe said, i believe this guy farmajo is not really the power behind the kursi but being used by his sub clans

this will not bode well for his clan, he has placed them in a weak strategical position

i cant wait for him to go, be gone and see his clan kiss ahmed madobe ring

insha Allah


I could agree with you but then we’d both be wrong
I truly believe that Fahad Yasin is the main man behind Farmaajo's moves. Farmaajo is too retarded to come up with any plot to stay in power.

