Faraaxs has no compassion for the divestors.

I suspect she comes from a marginalised clan, and that's why she doesn't have help. If she came from a Somali clan, they would have exposed it online already. Whenever a Somali woman comes on television to ask for help, everyone knows her clan. Somalis also shame each other, for leaving their own people high and dry, even if they are married to foreigners.

Her accent is giving Mogadishu, but could also very easily be Somali Bantu, I can't tell the difference 100% between the two dialects. Her features could also pass for Bantu, but we can't see her head-shape and other features clearly, to be certain.

Either way, whoever she is, I hope the sister gets the help she needs.
I have never suggested a woman take on her husband's name, it is unislamic. Her lineage it her family's lineage. The big BUT is when she marries and the man becomes responsible, especially when she has his children and they take on their father's lineage. It is the man's responsibility to protect and provide regardless of her lineage.

Not all men are responsible or good people. Allah knows best, and that's why divorce is halal and a woman is part of her own family, tribe and keeps her own name. This is all very simple. And upon divorce, he just has to look after his own kids.
they do not want to help her so i suggest going to in laws. her priority should be finding someone to help it does not matter who

How do you know that her family don't want to help her? If you watched the video, it was actually the in-laws who couldn't/wouldn't assist her. But I agree that any type of help from anyone should be the priority.

