Ethio man explains his origins to an American audience (1950)


Before the Amhara's acquired guns from the Europeans, they were under the Yejju Dynasty rule. Search them up. It was one of the most embarrassing periods for Abyssinians being ruled by foreigners (Oromos) who migrated from Kenya. The Ethiopian emperors were from the Yejju tribe lineage and the court language was changed to Afaan Oromo.

Ethiopia is an artificial country founded by imperial Amharas after acquiring guns from the Europeans and conquering many groups who were historically never part of Ethiopia. TPLF may have been bad but at least they created the federal system where each ethnic group had the right to control their own territory and could freely practice their own language. If Amharas take control of Ethiopia they will never stop their ultimate goal which is to unify the entire Horn into one artificial country but that will never happen and I'm glad Oromos finally took charge of Ethiopia at least they're not imperial.
For me Tigray and Amhara are two sides of the same coin, both want control of the horn, they just have different ways of going about it, choosing either is like choosing your own poison and sadly the Oromo don't have control of the country. Abiy Ahmed has jailed or terminated prominent Oromo Opposition/ODP member and have created inner circle of Amhara elites around him.
this is sad considering that Oromo though that they finally attained power they sought for.
the country is headed either headed for another Amhara centric regime or complete civil war, i believe ladder is where it will end up.


For me Tigray and Amhara are two sides of the same coin, both want control of the horn, they just have different ways of going about it, choosing either is like choosing your own poison and sadly the Oromo don't have control of the country. Abiy Ahmed has jailed or terminated prominent Oromo Opposition/ODP member and have created inner circle of Amhara elites around him.
this is sad considering that Oromo though that they finally attained power they sought for.
the country is headed either headed for another Amhara centric regime or complete civil war, i believe ladder is where it will end up.

Of course, that is why I called TPLF bad but my point is Amhara are inherently more evil and imperial. Oromos actually have power in Ethiopia. Literally, most of the top positions in the Ethiopian government are Oromos. It's only the Muslim Oromos who oppose Abiy Ahmed but he's got a strong support from the Christian Oromo community on his side. The politics in Ethiopia is very confusing because one time the president of Amhara was removed out of the seat by Abiy and replaced with a more servile one. I think you remember that. Ethiopia right now is heading in a better direction after TPLF were driven out from their hideout in Mekelle. I believe this time Ethiopia could work with their neighbours in the Horn to create economic growth and stability in the region which has witnessed a prolonged period of wars and insurgencies.


jUst keeping it REAL homie
This guy is very cocky and has a lot of confidence in his people believing they're the most superior tribe in Ethiopia when Tigray a smaller tribe ruled them for 30 years and Oromos before Menelik ruled Amharas for centuries. Ahmed Gurey and his Adalite Somali forces conquered Abyssinia and could've Islamized and ruled the region for many years if had the Portuguese not liberated them.

I don't consider Somalis living in Ethiopia as Ethiopians but if we're going to be clear. Somalis have historically look down on Abyssinians. If I remember Afars and northern coastal Somalis used to have many Amhara slaves. We have a derogatory word for Amhara where Somalis would insult each other using the word "Amxaro". Call a random Somali person Amxaro and they would start throwing hands. The word Amxaro was more insulting than M!dgaan and one of the Somali words for slave was Xabashi.

These midget bug eyed peasants need to check themselves. :westbrookwtf:
Amhara had great dynasties
You telling me world renowned Emperor Haile Selassie who had queen of England bow to him was a peasant ????

I understand as Somalis we have long history of clashes with them but it’s not right to lie and pretend they are nobodies when they have accomplished so much and have such a rich heritage and culture


jUst keeping it REAL homie
You probably have bad reading comprehension, we aren't talking about lineage here, but about race. Race =/= lineage, and the interview was about race and whether he HAD "negro" blood in him or not. Which he has, he has the hair texture and other things that negros have as well. And these interviewers are more interested in that thing more than his lineage or what he think he is. So the subject plays on the Westerners mindset roles not the mine or yours.
Race doesn’t exist
Are Koreans white ??
Race is the biggest joke of all time especially when it’s based on skin colour and hair texture
Only ethnicity is a real thing


Amhara had great dynasties
You telling me world renowned Emperor Haile Selassie who had queen of England bow to him was a peasant ????

I understand as Somalis we have long history of clashes with them but it’s not right to lie and pretend they are nobodies when they have accomplished so much and have such a rich heritage and culture

If you consider shaking someone's hand and putting your head down as a form of bow then I guess everyone bowed down to everyone because I can show you pictures of Haile Selassie doing the same with other people. It is a formal way of respect.

Nothing special about Haile Selassie other than starving and massacring his people. Tried to Amharanize none-Amhara people. His artificial kingdom was saved by the British from the Italians and later got ousted by Mengistu and his remains were found in 1992, buried under a toilet in the British Imperial Palace. You can read it for yourself: 81-year-old emperor,his legacy still lives on.


Amhara only produced one dynasty. The ancient Ethiopian history had nothing to do with them. During the era of Axum, they were nomadic pagans then settled and became Christianized under the influence of Agew. They only rose after the Zagwe Dynasty collapsed but came under Oromo rule during the 17th century and acquired guns from the Europeans during the late 19th century. Nothing about them is "interesting".


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
I bet he hit it, specially the one next to him seemed very intrigued. 'Black but not of negroe blood' :salute:


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