Eritrea is my favourite country in the Horn

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Their army moved me to tears. The passion. f*ck those deserters claiming asylum instead of fighting for their country and trying to build it.



It is all a facade. It is actually the worst country in the Horn. The place is no different from North Korea.
Whenever you hear about those refugee boats capsizing in the Mediterranean Sea they are always filled with Eritreans trying to escape that hellhole. Thousands of Eritreans rather risk their life crossing the Sahara and Mediterranean Sea than live in that place should tell you enough.


Suldaanka Gobyare
Eritrea has 9 ethnic groups,.

Very proud people, despite having 9 ethnic groups, the solidarity is strong.

They'll gladly denounce being Habesha for their Nationality and sake of the country, Eritrea.

When you ask a Eritrean if he is Habesha. He will respond frustrated: I am not Habesha I am Eritrean. There is only loyalty to Eritrea , nothing else.

Beautiful people. Eritrean women are one of a kind.


Reer Jeego Xiir are just getting things done the way every country on earth has for centuries.


They're building their country, their children can put their feet up and be proud of their parents generation. You should see the wages of Victorians of built England or what the Chinese were earning 10 years ago.


Somalis never lifted a finger to build their country, I wish they actually had authoritarian rule. To this day blowing up Mogadishu because of a temporary niqab ban - qaran nacayb including you Bantus, selfish bastards all of you. That dictatorship was a military dictatorship, it was not the sort of dictatorship needed in Somalia - quite the opposite.
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The people calling Eritrea a dictatorship are just traitors fleeing instead of liberating their country. If Somalis had the determination and discipline of the Eritreans Ogaden would be free and so would NFD. But a Bantu doesn't care about that lol only care about their calool and some farming areas they've been on for 3 generations.

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Eritrea is the only country in Africa free from foreign tyranny and dependance. There has been a clear media agedna against Eritrea since they don't toe the line of the powers that be. There is hardily any difference between Ethiopia and Eritrea. Yet one is demonized while celebrated. Ethiopia is a slave to the West and eventually its country will be Thailandized by the Europeans and Asians.

Eritrea is truly for Eritreans. Every single built in Eritrea today is built by sweat and hardwork, no debt.

Only if Somalis had an inch of Eritrean's pride and honour wallahi,


Eritrea is the only country in Africa free from foreign tyranny and dependance. There has been a clear media agedna against Eritrea since they don't toe the line of the powers that be. There is hardily any difference between Ethiopia and Eritrea. Yet one is demonized while celebrated. Ethiopia is a slave to the West and eventually its country will be Thailandized by the Europeans and Asians.

Eritrea is truly for Eritreans. Every single built in Eritrea today is built by sweat and hardwork, no debt.

Only if Somalis had an inch of Eritrean's pride and honour wallahi,


President - Sexaholics Anonymous, Ohio chapter
The dictator over there started it pretty admirable but has morphed into a complete xoolo.

What I loved from his earlier actions:

Refused UN hand outs and ordered his people to produce their own food bc he figured these maize being flooded in his market is only making the country perpetually reliant. It usually handicapped a lot of African countries

He used prisoners to build national infrastructure.

Has brought down infant mortality equal to an advanced country.

Kept the country amazingly clean

What I dislike about him

He has not tabs formed from the micro management of his days as a rebel leader

He is stubborn and stoic.

He is paranoid.

Needlessly used his young man to die a suicidal war with bigger Ethiopia in the late 90s

Couldn't maneuver through international relations. Made enemies easily and brought sanctions on his tiny country.

Tight grip on his people in a digital world where the young man of Eritrea can see the life led by fellow Eritreans in the diaspora


Eritrea has internet in some places. Its actually free to use in schools.

He has the right enemies - Ethiopia's eternal friends who support them militarily. He's doing a job with what he has. Eritrea will developed by Eritreans and their wealth will remain in the country.

That war was Ethiopian aggression - they were trying to reclaim Eritrea before the dust of independence settled, they chose to die for their country - thats what you might expect when you join a tiny army against the whole world.

Of course he's paranoid - he should be. I wonder why Smiley Fuusto isn't paranoid. Oh I fogot - he prefers to allow his enemies to invade the country. Now teenagers have to rob their defence weapons from invited invaders (I don't blame the little kids, their families were killed by Ethiopians, they were starved by their government, they're used in photographs to collect aid for fatso politicians Milan houses) - only in Somalia post 1991 can a term like 'invited invasion' exist.

He is a war hero - let him lead his country, he helped free it.


His country is multi lingual (everyone is bi lingual) and multi ethnic and they defend their country with a common history in mind. Unlike Somalis who don't give a damn about Somalia - even the ones living there won't see past their noses enough to unite and create a better country.
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