Egyptian President calls Somalia a Failed State in front of President HSM

The only chance Somaliland had at being a UN member state was back in the 90s and early 2000s when there was literally no government at Mogadishu. They should have lobbied hard for recognition because Somalia pretty much stopped existing during that period yet they didn't and instead sat around twiddling their thumbs while Somalia was slowly recovering and started rebuilding diplomatic ties with the rest of the world. They blew their biggest opportunity and now Bixi is getting desperate since the Las Anod conflict went horribly for him. Yet he still doesn't understand that gaajo irrelevant Ethiopia potentially recognizing Somaliland doesn't mean they will be a UN member nation since the U.S., France, U.K, China and Russia have to do the same.
Yall used to say no one will ever recognize us. We’re on are way to get our first country to recognize us. We will get a few other country’s to recognize us especially when nothing happens to Ethiopia for taking the first leap. That brings us to being a partially recognized state. Then AU membership will be the next goal, next UN. Hopefully our seat is right beside Somalia’s if it still exists, they might revoke their membership as soon as we get in. Viva Somaliland.
Somaliland tried but was told wait until Mogadishu is back on it's feet.

Now Mogadishu is back, in a way, with heavy dose of international funding and clout it seeks to assert itself over it's old territories through destablization - finanicial, miliatary and political. The same social chaos that destroyed the government is reflected in the political machinations of it's elite.

The people that came out of the long civil war it seems did not retain much sense or pragtism. Not enough to accept that Somalia cannot hope attain the aspiration that once had of regional dominance or that it must deal sensibly with it's monumental challenge of internal security instead prancing around on international stages it doesn't belong on .

Somaliland is still taking things slowly. Ethiopia didn't come alone. Ethiopia has development partners and military partners who have approved the deal. The security arrangements and economic arragnements alone will take Somaliland firmly out of Mogadishu's sphere of destablization and into a more productive, sensible business minded space.

I don't think Somaliland is aiming for a UN seat.
What do you mean "approved of the deal"? What major players have came out and said they agree? No one, that is who. Of course, other countries including Somalia were already aware of the deal but doesn't mean it will go through since there is alot of red tape involved. The part about Somaliland leaving Mogadishu's sphere of influence is also bogus. It hasn't been apart of that sphere for 30(!) years because FGS has next to no control over Somaliland, they are only apart of Somalia in name only.

Yes, they absolutely do want a seat in the UN, that is realistically the only way for them to be a real country which is their entire goal in the first place. Printing your own currency, flag, passport ect. doesn't make you a real country, only a pretend one like the Principality of Sealand. You need legitimacy which can only be attained through the UN. There are exceptions like Taiwan but unlike that country, Somaliland has nothing to offer to the world and is extremely poor.
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when nothing happens to Ethiopia for taking the first leap
You are hoping for a domino effect that isn't happening. Why can't Landers understand how the UN works? The only way for Somaliland to become a country is if the UN's security council aka the big five approves of it. Ethiopia is a gaajo poorshit irrrelevant country that doesn't have the veto power that America, France, U.K, Russia and China have.


Sound mind sound body
Somaliland not getting recognition. Gonna be another 30 years of their online army tagging UN and western leaders on Twitter and Facebook to make same tired arguements. Somalia and somaliland one if Sissi insults Somalia he is insulting you too

Garaad Awal

Zubeyri, Hanafi Maturidi
The only chance Somaliland had at being a UN member state was back in the 90s and early 2000s when there was literally no government at Mogadishu.
There still is no govt in Xamar which is what President Sisi was eluding too 💀 He was using your president and his begging for help as an example of what not to do 😂😂😂
What do you mean "approved of the deal"? What major players have came out and said they agree? No one, that is who. Of course, other countries including Somalia were already aware of the deal but doesn't mean it will go through since there is alot of red tape involved. The part about Somaliland leaving Mogadishu's sphere of influence is also bogus. It hasn't been apart of that sphere for 30(!) years because FGS has next to no control over Somaliland, they are only apart of Somalia in name only.

Yes, they absolutely do want a seat in the UN, that is realistically the only way for them to be a real country which is their entire goal in the first place. Printing your own currency, flag, passport ect. doesn't make you a real country, only a pretend one like the Principality of Sealand. You need legitamacy which can only be attained through the UN. There are exceptions like Taiwan but unlike that country, it has nothing to offer to the world and is extremely poor.

Mogadishu is a destablizing influence. Let's not get caught up on basic facts.

Do you think all diplomacy happens in public? Especially when it's contentious because the 'name on the lease' is screeching like a cat at the vet even when it's not had 'sovereignty' for thirty years.

Recognizing a country isn't illegal. Normally done by great powers to normal countries but Ethiopia could do it in Somaliland case because of the relevative weakness of Somalia. Anyone with an passing interest in Somalia has voiced their concern basically saying "Yeah that shit isn't cool with us and we don't accept it," because they want to keep their foot in the Somali door and words are cheap.

Actions though - we've seen none of that and that's what matters.

The domino effect is unnecessary. You only need a handful of countries willing to work with you directly and that means Mogadishu gets zoned out for good this time.
There still is no govt in Xamar which is what President Sisi was eluding too 💀 He was using your president and his begging for help as an example of what not to do 😂😂😂
I don't care what Sisi says about the condition of Somalia. He still did what we already expected, supporting Somalia.
Mogadishu is a destablizing influence. Let's not get caught up on basic facts.

Do you think all diplomacy happens in public? Especially when it's contentious because the 'name on the lease' is screeching like a cat at the vet even when it's not had 'sovereignty' for thirty years.

Recognizing a country isn't illegal. Normally done by great powers to normal countries but Ethiopia could do it in Somaliland case because of the relevative weakness of Somalia. Anyone with an passing interest in Somalia has voiced their concern basically saying "Yeah that shit isn't cool with us and we don't accept it," because they want to keep their foot in the Somali door and words are cheap.

Actions though - we've seen none of that and that's what matters.

The domino effect is unnecessary. You only need a handful of countries willing to work with you directly and that means Mogadishu gets zoned out for good this time.
You still don't understand how the UN works lmao. A few countries recognizing Somaliland doesn't mean shit. Kosovo is recognized by a ton of countries still no UN seat. Western Sahara is recognized by a ton of countries, still no UN seat. Somaliland is more poor and irrelevant that the nations I mentioned so how could it hope to get recognition? Because Ethiopia, a nation that is poorshit irrelevant recognizes it? The African Union also won't recognize Somaliland because there a ton of other secessionist movements in Africa that want independence too.

Like I said, the best chance you guys had for recognition was back when FGS didn't even exist. Now Mogadishu, as weak as it is, is slowly reasserting control over the country and once Al-Shabaab has finally been dealt with, it will look to the north. And guess what? No nation will be against FGS militarily conquering Somaliland because it is legally a domestic issue. Morocco managed take Western Sahara even though it was never apart of Morocco so Somalia can very will do the same and it will not catch any flak. Its long been over for you Landers. Just accept the reality.
You still don't understand how the UN works lmao. A few countries recognizing Somaliland doesn't mean shit. Kosovo is recognized by a ton of countries still no UN seat. Western Sahara is recognized by a ton of countries, still no UN seat. Somaliland is more poor and irrelevant that the nations I mentioned so how could it hope to get recognition? Because Ethiopia, a nation that is poorshit irrelevant recognizes it? The African Union also won't recognize Somaliland because there a ton of other secessionist movements in Africa that want independence too.

Why do you keep talking about the UN? I answered the first time that it's not the only desirable end state. I think you want to side step all the points where it makes sense because you are desperately opposed to it for some reason.
Why do you keep talking about the UN? I answered the first time that it's not the only desirable end state. I think you want to side step all the points where it makes sense because you are desperately opposed to it for some reason.
Okay, so how is Somaliland supposed to be recognized without UN approval? Shouldn't it be in the interest of you guys to do so because it prevents Somalia from asserting control back?
Okay, so how is Somaliland supposed to be recognized without UN approval? Shouldn't it be in the interest you of you guys to do so because it prevents Somalia from asserting control back?

Somalia can't do that for the foreseeable.

I think probably never based on the quality poltical calculations being made at the moment.

Interesting point in history, if you go back to the early 1990s and what happened in Somaliland with the SNM and the tribal conventions that laid the groundwork for peace. If you contrast it with the decisions made by the USC in the south for all out war until one man reigns supreme. It's clear that this kind of politics has no capacity to build anything meaningful. But as long Mogadishu can wave money and other kinds of political bribes at different groups it can destablize all regions within it's sphere by turning groups against one another to stunt their progress, cohesion and peace.
Somalia can't do that for the foreseeable.
I wouldn't be so sure about that. Between Al-Shabaab losing, the arms embargo being lifted and Awdal and SSC successfully winning the Las Anod conflict, there is no real reason to believe that Somalia won't go north soon. The best you got is support from Ethiopia but that will take a long time since Ethiopia has problems of their own internally.
I wouldn't be so sure about that. Between Al-Shabaab losing, the arms embargo being lifted and Awdal and SSC successfully winning the Las Anod conflict, there is no real reason to believe that Somalia won't go north soon. The best you got is support from Ethiopia but that will take a long time since Ethiopia has problems of their own internally.

Has SSc released any statement about it?
Does Awdal want to fight?
Are the insurgents actually losing?
Is HSM allowed to send SNA to fight Ethiopians and other Somalis?

So many questions you seem to have the answers to.

Just relax. Take a deep breath. The world won't end.
Has SSc released any statement about it?
Does Awdal want to fight?
Awdal and SSC are unionists lol, of course they want to fight
Is HSM allowed to send SNA to fight Ethiopians and other Somalis?
Ethiopian military isn't involved in Somaliland (yet) but yes he obviously is allowed to send troops to quell a federal rogue state.

Just relax. Take a deep breath. The world won't end
All you have been doing is coping at this point.
Awdal and SSC are unionists lol, of course they want to fight

Ethiopian military isn't involved in Somaliland (yet) but yes he obviously is allowed to send troops to quell a federal rogue state.

All you have been doing is coping at this point.

Okay. Then we agree to disagree.
Lol at this point I believe HSM do enjoys being humiliated. It just shows you how Sisi really views Somalia failed government and how incompetent it is. Konfurians sadly think that hsm controlling 5km around xamar is somehow a secret somalis only know of. How could you possibly want other to respect you when the very country you’re complaining about “Ethiopia” is the one protecting your lands from AS taking over it. Until now he has not kick out their ambassador and as we speak Gedo has been invaded by large Ethiopian troops. What hsm and his keyboard warrior supporters gonna do about it? Thats the million dollar question every nationalist is avoiding.
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4th Emir of the Akh Right Movement
What a complete cuck this ulusow guy is. Smiling like a moron while being insulted.

Still ulusow will beg for money from the Egyptian president. Ulusow has no shame.
It's not a insult when it's the truth. 30% of the country is claiming de facto independence, another 20% being controlled by a terrorist organization, and the rest all claiming to be their own presidents. What other country on the planet is like this? Somalia is a textbook definition of a failed state.
It's not a insult when it's the truth. 30% of the country is claiming de facto independence, another 20% being controlled by a terrorist organization, and the rest all claiming to be their own presidents. What other country on the planet is like this? Somalia is a textbook definition of a failed state.

He made a political point that was most powerful because it was said in HSM presence. He used him like a real life prop.


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