Dying Somali traditions

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Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
-How come little kids do not drink caano iyo shaah anymore? Its a proud Somali tradition to give kids around asr, after their nap, a cup of caano iyo shaah (60% caano 40% hot tea) Instead of filling them with juice, give them caano iyo shaah which has more nutrients.

-How come we do not raise the kids of less fortunate family members anymore? We use to adopt kids and raise them as our own. Here in the west, being a foster family is a lucrative business. So you will get paid well and you will contribute to society.
-How come little kids do not drink caano iyo shaah anymore? Its a proud Somali tradition to give kids around asr, after their nap, a cup of caano iyo shaah (60% caano 40% hot tea) Instead of filling them with juice, give them caano iyo shaah which has more nutrients.

-How come we do not raise the kids of less fortunate family members anymore? We use to adopt kids and raise them as our own. Here in the west, being a foster family is a lucrative business. So you will get paid well and you will contribute to society.
I remember when I was too young to drink shaah so it was always mixed up with caano for real back then shaah was like khamri for us kids something old people drink but us children can't drink
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Study Sunt Tzu’s, ‘Art of War’.
I remember when I was too young to drink shah so it was always mixed up with caano for real back then shaah was like khamri for us kids something old people drink but us children can't drink
I burnt my foot when i was 5 or 6 picking up the kettle.

I was a true nacas:farmajoyaab:


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
I burnt my foot when i was 5 or 6 picking up the kettle.

I was a true nacas:farmajoyaab:

My brother spilled the kettle with a shaah kuleel ah on my foot. As @government said shaah is our khamri as shaah induced accidents are very high in our community


Study Sunt Tzu’s, ‘Art of War’.
My brother spilled the kettle with a shaah kuleel ah on my foot. As @government said shaah is our khamri as shaah induced accidents are very high in our community
Imagine that time you hit your pinkie toe on the wall and double the pain + make the area really kuleel... thats jahanam right there...

In Britain its normal to drink shax 2 times a day with digestives so the tradition technically still carries on
These two :banderas::banderas:

I still give my little cousins caano iyo shaah when they come over. Also my mum and dad took in my little cousin when her parents could not look after her. So these traditions still exist.
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