Do you think it's okay to date?

Would you date?

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What would you do if your husband wrote a lovey dovey letter like that?

I bet you would leave him :siilaanyolaugh:

I would write one back. :hillarybiz:Do you think I'm evil waryaa?

There's a reason I married Habar Awal and didn't marry Cidagale. I like maskeen men who won't marry another wife on you.

Axmed Xaji

Your non-biological father
You can know the quality of the thread is going to drop when this stupid arrives @GodKnowsBest

It's funny how after I roasted you about not having any Rogers on your arms after boasting about them flocking to you, you suddenly switch out of that team.
If you're going to pretend to put me on ignore to get out of answering that fact, then commit to it and stay the f*ck out of my threads you delusional .

Take out the trash with you @Axmed Xaji

I don't get people who come into threads and talk about religion over and over and over again. I'm sorry your autistic asses don't know how to say anything else damn.

Are you comfortable with what @GodKnowsBest described about the thighing? That's a well-documented fact and it's fucking disgusting. Will you address that or will you go on about Rogers and autistic asses?


cismaan maxamuud
I would write one back. :hillarybiz:Do you think I'm evil waryaa?

There's a reason I married Habar Awal and didn't marry Cidagale. I like maskeen men who won't marry another wife on you.
Traitor,arent you mj


I truly believe that there is no such thing as an asexual person but that's neither here nor there.

Honestly if the situation was reversed I would feel the same way as well. Ie: the types of guys who spend months seducing girls and then when they give in to their desires call them a ... like we are humans created to reproduce ? No need for that kind of judgement.
I would be a bit disappointed but I wouldn't necessarily judge the guy. The only ones I'd call hoes are the men who enter relationships fully knowing what the rules are (since I'd be upfront about it; no 'seduction')...but complaining/pressuring or cheating afterwards because they can't keep up their end of the bargain. I could never settle for that; it pisses me off so much.:gunsmiley::gunsmiley:

I think you should reconsider your idea of a relationship abaayo. Life is risk..... that's what makes love so exhilarating. You can't predict what'll happen but if you get to know someone as a friend and you share the same values (imo the only important qualities that you need to have in common) why not take the plunge and have all of your first with your husband and the same for him? :it0tdo8:
That's practical advice but my personality just doesn't suit that tbh. Sadly, I'm extremely risk averse and a perfectionist too:snoop:; I prefer to know every detail possible before making a final decision on something-- especially when it's as significant as picking a life partner. From what I've witnessed in general, people tend to have multiple faces; they usually show you their best but it takes time and intimacy to discover the rest of the faces (or the "true" one, in some cases). I agree that common values are the most important and I wouldn't mind getting to know someone just as a friend first..but most guys aren't genuinely willing to do that in this generation. :bell:

And btw just because you live with someone beforehand doesn't mean they won't change. It happen to friends of mine (cadaan), their marriage lasted for 8 months but they had previously been together for 5 or 6 years.
True true, as much as I hate it, change is a risk that can't be eliminated:frdfvsb:. It still makes me less anxious to filter out the risks within my control though; when you live with someone basically 24/7, it allows you to catch and make note of their negative qualities (which I think is necessary). They can't keep up an act forever, eventually it's gonna be mask off.
No way, all a guy is thinking about on a date is how to get in your pants. :)
So, therefore, it's important to involve your mehrems while you are talking to a guy. The mehrem has to be present at all times in meetings. They said when a non-mehrem man and a woman are alone the third person is shitan
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Call me ayeeyo
Are you comfortable with what @GodKnowsBest described about the thighing? That's a well-documented fact and it's fucking disgusting. Will you address that or will you go on about Rogers and autistic asses?

A fact? :ulyin::ulyin:

Anything out of that wannabe 's mouth is delusion and you're a fucking troll. If you had anything to back up your claims you'd be on a live news conference somewhere not in your parents basement arguing with them about planes lmfaooooooooo gfto w your depressing ass life it's making me depressed just reading it


Call me ayeeyo
@TooMacaan i hope you're very very young...... like 15-16 ish......

Men have like 100x the level of testosterone than women, you either accept them as they are or get a female cuddle buddy?

It's not about self control, if men had the 'self control' levels of women humanity would cease to exist. :cryinglaughsmiley:

Any guy who has that kinda self control (more than once) is faulty somehow. Not the other way around.

People who value abstinence should not be doing everything but.......:O27GWRK:
There are Japanese herbivores that are commuting to be celibate, it's why their pop is dying off :mjlol:


Call me ayeeyo
True, surprisingly all of the people I've known who were married after long term relationships had their marriages fail within a year or two, and I mean Somalis. Sad. I think it's because all they gain in marrying eachother is responsibilities.

But that might be because they're asking the wrong questions during the interview


translate everything i said earlier:mjohreally:
I told you numerous times that my af Somali is trash and I don't want to play this game. :bell:Yes, it's a shame not to know anything but you're not helping the situation for the better by trying to humiliate me-- basically calling me a snake and declaring that you are very anti non-Muslim Somalis. :faysalwtf:Why not give me the benefit of the doubt instead of cursing others for doing so...? I did say that I will make an attempt to improve and reconnect to my roots, didn't I??
I told you numerous times that my af Somali is trash and I don't want to play this game. :bell:Yes, it's a shame not to know anything but you're not helping the situation for the better by trying to humiliate me-- basically calling me a snake and declaring that you are very anti non-Muslim Somalis. :faysalwtf:Why not give me the benefit of the doubt instead of cursing others for doing so...? I did say that I will make an attempt to improve and reconnect to my roots, didn't I??

You like raw meat dish called Kaftima or some shit. I could never forget that walle it got stuck in my head. :faysalwtf:Trolling gone wrong :siilaanyosmile:
The easiness and convenience of contemporary casual dating culture today was the same as marriage in the old days, it was virtually that easy that going the haram route was more difficult and burdensome.

Thanks exclusively to the women (girl and her degenerate mother) and that pathetic supine weak castrated father that lead this happen, that wonderful protective easy institution of marriage has been utterly destroyed and turned into a disgusting poisoned business transaction.

It's amazing how in the end the people whom always suffer the brunt of the ramifications are almost always the ones whom helped destroyed it and you see this today with record number of spinsters rates, dom, divorce and physical abuse rates, no sympathy for such people from me.
There's nothing wrong with 'dating' a guy, if that dating is just analysing their characteristics, getting to know them sort of thing. But there's everything wrong in giving someone the luxury to know you, without limit. Especially Somali guys, it's better not to be known to them tbh.

Just look above, to the poster who's salty because he can't afford meher.
Of course it's OK, how else do you get to the know them?
What blows my mind are the people who seek/get arranged marriages. That's insane


Call me ayeeyo
What interview? I meant these people were dating for years before getting married for 5 mins.
oh sorry lol I meant to qoute another user who was talking about ppl rushing to get married and have kids with practical strangers. What you said is interesting though
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