Do you look Black?

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live and let die.
So as a trans-racial 35 year old white man stuck in a 'black man's body', white people embrace you and don't refer to you by the n word when you piss them off??

No, I do not take insult to such things. I find it more offensive when Black, sorry 'African-American' people assume I'm one of them. I'll be walking down the street and they always look at me and nod. I was at the bodega earlier picking up some Indian pale ale and the African man in front of me in the queue looked me straight in the face and said "What up my brother, have a blessed day" as he walked off. Boy that grinds my gears.

I usually get accused of being a racist, but that's not true. I have a black African American friend. Heck my fridge is African American. I'm just saying if Black people worked harder and stopped being lazy, then they wouldn't be where they are right now.


No, I do not take insult to such things. I find it more offensive when Black, sorry 'African-American' people assume I'm one of them. I'll be walking down the street and they always look at me and nod. I was at the bodega earlier picking up some Indian pale ale and the African man in front of me in the queue looked me straight in the face and said "What up my brother, have a blessed day" as he walked off. Boy that grinds my gears.

I usually get accused of being a racist, but that's not true. I have a black African American friend. Heck my fridge is African American. I'm just saying if Black people worked harder and stopped being lazy, then they wouldn't be where they are right now.

Nightline Kid

Hippo Crate
I've gotten an amazing range of guesses, like Indian, Arab, and mixed, but for the most part people view me as African. My family are the only Somali people in this town so naturally people are going to be confused

Nightline Kid

Hippo Crate
No, I do not take insult to such things. I find it more offensive when Black, sorry 'African-American' people assume I'm one of them. I'll be walking down the street and they always look at me and nod. I was at the bodega earlier picking up some Indian pale ale and the African man in front of me in the queue looked me straight in the face and said "What up my brother, have a blessed day" as he walked off. Boy that grinds my gears.

I usually get accused of being a racist, but that's not true. I have a black African American friend. Heck my fridge is African American. I'm just saying if Black people worked harder and stopped being lazy, then they wouldn't be where they are right now.



I'd say I look like Nigerian :francis: It's good thing cause lots of Xalimo's come my way.:manny:

I've been mistaken for Ethiopian few times random Ethiopians have started talking to me in Amharic. When I visted Addis Ababa at the airport passport agent thought I was when one of them when he saw my passport pic:damn:
Im extremely offened that a eriterian women spoke to me in her language FOR A FULL BLOODY MINUTE and thought i was eriterian. Horta what eriterian woman comes my height? :ileycry: kulaha 'im sorry you look eriterian' :ileycry: No one in my entire life confused me with my neighbours :faysalwtf:


Im sorry i had to rant i felt like getting this off my chest:dabcasar:
you've told us this story 1000 times :deadrose:
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