Do we have a natural ally?

A nation is not an island unto itself, can not stand alone, even if a budding empire, and must have allies, be it in its immediate geography, or elsewhere in the geopolitics of the global order. So, the question is who is our a natural ally? Do we need alliance? If so, who is it?

Or are we that undesirable, if naturally antagonistic loner peaking at any and all in our proximity?

At the tail of the 16th century, at the height of the Adal Sultanate, Europeans rescued Axum kingdom whilst destroying Adal.

At the turn of the 20th century, the West prevented Ethiopia from sinking into a full blown civil war, with Carter taking charge, whilst watching Somalia brew in its own bile; I am not discounting Boutros Ghali's failed attempts to resuscitate the nation.

And in the 21st century, the West pulled Ethiopia from the brink of a civil war negotiating a peace accord between Tigray and the Ethiopian government, with the AU put in charge this time.

i) Culture: The English speaking nations go wherever one goes,
ii) Religion: Christians birr and sprint, where one is on his knees,
ii) Mutual interest: Despite their differences, Russia and China are forever natural allies.

Just to name a few.

It is one thing to be roaming nomads of the desert, as if kings of their domain, albeit no longer are, but it is another in today's vastly intricate, if gaming world.

A question for the naturally curious, if thinking minds: who is our natural ally? Do we have any?
I think it is because foreigners dislike us for whatever reason. Or they are envious of us.
Sorry, in the scholastic method of querying, one tends to ask many questions, some might seem silly, but bear with me: a) why do they dislike us? b) What have we got, which others do not, for them to be envious of?

And I am not discounting all the good things about our culture, language, nature etc.

Cartan Boos

Average SSC Patriot
i wanted to say eritrea but No as they demanded us to pay 5mil for the trained 5k army and we had to let emirate pay and control our army, so for now ''NO''
Nope. We don't really have anyone. In some ways, we don't even have each other with our clan system. I think Somalis end up being naturally individualistic as a result.


Djiboutian πŸ‡©πŸ‡― | 𐒖𐒆𐒄A𐒗𐒃 πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡΄
Somalis should just colonise Madagascar and run away from this shitty ass continent.
Even if Somalia was developed, I don't wanna deal with ethiopians, kenyans and arabs around us.
if only allah gave us a separate continent for ourselves like the anglos got north America and Australia


Roots in Somaliland + Somali Region ✝️
Sorry, in the scholastic method of querying, one tends to ask many questions, some might seem silly, but bear with me: a) why do they dislike us? b) What have we got, which others do not, for them to be envious of?
Our neighbour, ethiopia dislikes us because of the centuries old medieval hatred due to the Adal xabashi war. Yemen looks down on us and sees us as abeeds. Europeans hate us for being muslim and fighting back against them in the colonial era. Gulf Arabs hate us because they are arrogant and hate african muslims. Other (west, central ,east,south) africans think we are racist or in South Africa's case are envious of somalis becoming successful so they lash out at us instead of the Afrikaners who have oppressed them for 4 centuries.
Somalis should just colonise Madagascar and run away from this shitty ass continent.
Even if Somalia was developed, I don't wanna deal with ethiopians, kenyans and arabs around us.
if only allah gave us a separate continent for ourselves like the anglos got north America and Australia
If we could not keep a tiny stretch of land, ardu Somali, do you think we could manage an entire continent?


Djiboutian πŸ‡©πŸ‡― | 𐒖𐒆𐒄A𐒗𐒃 πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡΄
Our neighbour, ethiopia dislikes us because of the centuries old medieval hatred due to the Adal xabashi war. Yemen looks down on us and sees us as abeeds. Europeans hate us for being muslim and fighting back against them in the colonial era. Gulf Arabs hate us because they are arrogant and hate african muslims. Other (west, central ,east,south) africans think we are racist or in South Africa's case are envious of somalis becoming successful so they lash out at us instead of the Afrikaners who have oppressed them for 4 centuries.
Somalia should build relations Internationally, We should look to Asia for allies who are also up an coming nations.
Indonesia is the largest Muslim nation in terms of population and is an industrialising asian country right across the Indian ocean from us so we can start with them
no, we have no allies. ayrabs look down on us & africans hate us because we’re muslims, even oromos (both muslim & non-muslims) & other ethiopian ethnic groups pray for our downfall. I wish more somalis understood we are really on our own.


Roots in Somaliland + Somali Region ✝️
no, we have no allies. ayrabs look down on us & africans hate us because we’re muslims, even oromos (both muslim & non-muslim) & other ethiopian ethnic groups pray for our downfall. I wish more somalis understood we are really on our own.
Could you say that Hararis ( although not a country) are our allies. They fought alongside us in the adal war and even voted to join us.

Internet Nomad

β˜†ππ‘π’π₯𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐦𝐒𝐭𝐞 𝐒𝐧 π­π«πšπ’π§π’π§π β˜†
I think we should create allies with central Asian countries like Kazakhstan because we can have a clean rep there.


Roots in Somaliland + Somali Region ✝️
Sorry, in the scholastic method of querying, one tends to ask many questions, some might seem silly, but bear with me: a) why do they dislike us? b) What have we got, which others do not, for them to be envious of?

And I am not discounting all the good things about our culture, language, nature etc.
We have the longest coastline in africa a homogenous people following one religion and we speak the same language.

Internet Nomad

β˜†ππ‘π’π₯𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐦𝐒𝐭𝐞 𝐒𝐧 π­π«πšπ’π§π’π§π β˜†
Indonesia and Somalia controlling two sides of the Indian ocean would be very formidable .

Garaad diinle

ξ€šξ€žξ€’ξ€œξ€  ξ€ ξ€Ÿξ€‘ξ€ξ€›
Haters gonna hate and we gotta do what we gotta do that's that. Although if somalia was a rich country things would've been wildly different. Nobody hate the rich kid on the contrary they often wanna be friends with him.
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