Did you ever shoplift?

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Certified CNC expert.
Nah I ain't no thug I don't do any of that illegal stuff cause of consequences :damedamn:

But I do pirate movies I like to go all captain Phillips on that shit so that kinda makes me a half thug
I used to be friends with some dhaqancelis guys from Canada when I was younger and they too had a bad case of this "sticky fingers". I'm guessing its some sort of pastime over there :cosbyhmm:


As i live and breathe
Once when i stole some candy at the local store where i grew up. The guilt was killing me so i returned back the next day, apologized, and payed the owner back. I was quite the little pussy as a kid :siilaanyolaugh:


We star in movies NASA pay to watch
It ain't stealing if you ain't caught :whew:

I haven't stolen anything since I was 15 but I use to avoid paying for shit like i jumped train barriers, used a fake loyalty card for a whole year of free nandos chicken, used a fake student id to get store discounts, scammed eBay to get refunds, the list goes on. :wow1:

It ain't stealing if you ain't caught :whew:

I haven't stolen anything since I was 15 but I use to avoid paying for shit like i jumped train barriers, used a fake loyalty card for a whole year of free nandos chicken, used a fake student id to get store discounts, scammed eBay to get refunds, the list goes on. :wow1:

Can you rob the White House back for us?
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