Defend your own seas

@Removed @GaradShabeel @Abaq

This is the truth the zoos don’t want to hear. WSLF struggle instantly was framed as a border conflict and invasion when Somalia intervened militarily and Ethiopia could scream and save itself. But that’s not the point of this thread.

Let ree Somalia defend themselves and their seas. We aren’t fighting
Hopefully things turn out well we’re in a fucked up situation
The Ogaden population in the total fighting force was around the ratio of Ogaden people to non-Ogadens. They also liberated ~60% of the territory in SR. The WSLF leader even explicitly asked for no boots to come in from Somalia as it would provoke international actors and he was exactly right as that ended up being the reason we lost the war. He was arrested by the same Somali govt for fighting ethiopia later on btw as were many other Ogadens prior to the SPM.

We fought for ourselves and you fought for your own 20k+ sqkm of land and Majerteen clansmen.
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Saxib Ogaden/NFD are one of the very few things in this world that can cause me sorrow almost instantly, it's a very touchy topic for most of us irrespective of our clan. I don't need a Somali brother directing his victim mentality at me. I would gladly die for it if an opportunity presented itself, not trying to sound like an internet warrior so I'll leave it at that. Inshallah one day, you never know.
The Ogaden population in the total fighting force was around the ratio of Ogaden people to non-Ogadens. They also liberated ~60% of the territory in SR. The WSLF leader even explicitly asked for no boots to come in from Somalia as it would provoke international actors and he was exactly right as that ended up being the reason we lost the war. He was arrested by the same Somali govt for fighting ethiopia later on btw as were many other Ogadens prior to the SPM.

We fought for ourselves and you fought for your own 20k+ sqkm of land and Majerteen clansmen.
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Btw why are the lines that are whiteout.


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
This is the truth the zoos don’t want to hear. WSLF struggle instantly was framed as a border conflict and invasion when Somalia intervened militarily and Ethiopia could scream and save itself. But that’s not the point of this thread.

Let ree Somalia defend themselves and their seas. We aren’t fighting
What is thier to defend 😂 it’s issaq given thier land for ictiraf 🤣🤣 you have to fight the issaq before you get to Ethiopia

