
Am with you on that-but i dont want to support what i refused from farmaajo-I think the president has power,He should use that to support the grassroots movements against these guys-Never sna..that will couse animosity and blowback-Their time in office is coming to and end-Put pressure on them through the public in those states.
Not against them but for Shabaab operations. Which lets be honest it’s the most important job of this government. Security and then you can have proper elections and development. Like it’s not as if they’ll say SNA can’t come to Dhusamareb or Bay etc.

I agree, HSM shouldn’t use military means to get rid of them. It should be up to the states but he has to ensure a free and fair election


Xagar Badhaadhe Bu'ale
Horta is liyu police an ogaden (clan) paramilitary

:hmm: :hmm: :hmm:
At first yes but changed over time-They are made up of all dds with mijority being absame ofcourse-By the way we just use that term but they are no longer liyuu waa ciidanka dowlad degaanka somalida-Theres also the malitia who are under the guy with the atmis hanbook-They are more mobile group who go where needed and sometimes serve with the secret service.


Xagar Badhaadhe Bu'ale
This guy is militia- notice the fatigues different from liyuu fatigues.-These guys are more of paramiltary and liyuu the army.



Somali baa shaqada qaban karto. We just need single minded government focus on security and also reconciliation/building regional police then councils after you capture the areas. Farmaajo’s government did nothing for 5 years, HSM has a lot of work to do.

You can’t occupy every inch of Somalia with troops from Central Somalia regions. Needs to be local. RX should recapture there lands etc etc.

