Darkest man is married!!!

how can you tell. Seriously I used to think idris elba was ugly until I saw all the women thirsting on him online then I clocked no matter how hard I try I can't figure out what girls find attractive
Well he's rich and just look at his comment section all the women are being thirst from day one plus he doesn't look hideous he's just bald.

Not gonna lie I don't get the idris hype at all but he ain't ugly either. I think it's generally easy to tell if a guy is ugly mid or attractive as for how attractive I don't really know your just gonna have to gauge how women react to them.

Clout in general can make any guy seem attractive to women tho if he's not too ugly
this is just sad, a regular guy can get a 9/10 women
That’s schtr8 Capanomics lol. Unless that guy is a really soft emotional tampon nice guy for that 9/10, who gets to exert promiscuous activities with other men. Ain’t no sugar in this schweetness abti
That’s schtr8 Capanomics lol. Unless that guy is a really soft emotional tampon nice guy for that 9/10, who gets to exert promiscuous activities with other men. Ain’t no sugar in this schweetness abti
bro u get 0 girls just say it, us average guys can easily get a 9/10, the standards for men are so low nowadays its easy for us, only losers are complaining
I think it's generally easy to tell if a guy is ugly mid or attractive as for how attractive
I personally can't. For example, chris evans? chris hemsworth? chriss pratt? I never knew girls liked them until I saw some tiktok comment section of women thirsting after them, before that I thought they were literally just average everyday guys. there are so many examples I could bring, women baffle me, but I don't care cos it don't affect me
ive seen his comment sections been following him since I was 14 he doesn't get any thirst comments at all
I didn't even have to look that far a thirst comment was the first thing that popped up 😂


