@Teeri-Alpha it's quite scary if that's your 'active' army only and 5-10% of ogaden capacity in 18-40 Male segment. Cause that segment there in Liyu and ONLF is already quite large and if only 5-10%, it's scary what full active ogaden males 18-40 looks like. It will be like Roman Empire in Somali clans.
why do you think habashi ask are you Ogaden or somali? because they know,
why do you think the oromo mases with langab somalis on the border, cagjar sent 2000 boys few weeks ago to canfaar ciise border, they stopped, have you heard about somalis being killed, anymore?
last week cagjar sent liyu to border, they attacked us, i do not know how many we killed, but reer amadin alone a sub sub sub clan of reer cabdulle lost 20 reer amadin, but we kileld dozens,
cabdil iley would sent 20,000 men, about 55 of liyu polcie, liyu is 80,000 to ahmaar and oromo lands, cabdi iley used liyu to kill ahmaar and oromo for years, he was weeding them down,
we have been trained by the best, its why cabdi iley culled HG, killed 4000 of them after they ataaked a bah gerri man and his wife and kid and poisoned the water well on the border our side and killed 20 wagardac marehan , he sent 2 liyu to tlak, they killed them, he sent 2 ogaden officials the animals killed them
he killed 4000 HG, took 600 females kids ad placed them in a camp, he burned 200 villages they built inside the border of DDS, we allowed them as somali refuges, he placed them in a camp with no food or water, then he made abdikariim galmudug president to come to jigjiga and do dhaanto, abdikarim begged ahmed madoobe to come with him so cabdi doesn't kill him, Ahmed took him to jigjga, then galmudu was forced to pay mag to the bah gerri they killed, return the weapons of the 4 DDS officials who were sent as envoys, and declared them as terrorist supporters and allowed liyu to come to galmudug any time,
galmudug sacked abdikarim straith afterwards, cabdi iley showed them OG doesn't play around, these HG waa barbaric no daqan, but they saw the ruthlessness when we act,
AUn to the dead, but their HG men asked for it by killing, posiing water wells and over extending themselves to the host who allowed them to live as refugees
do yuo hear HG saying anymore we own land in DDS? they stopped,
when hassan shikh called planes to pick up the dead and supplied weapons for HG from air planes, cabdi iley called adis and got them to stop the planes landing in galmudug,
we saved wagardac marehan, you should see how thankful they were wallahi, why didn't marehan do anything for them?