Curly hair mofos come in...

Horta where do these Somali’s who have timo dhagax come from? I know they’re a minority but I’m always shocked when I see niggas with Durant like hair.:damn:
most people in Somalia have afro hair, ranging from soft afro to hard-afro. Timo jileec ain't the norm lol


What would you consider the average Somali hair texture? I thought it was type 3 at first, but now I'm not so sure.

I'd say the most common are 3B and 3C.

2B, 2C, 3A, and 4A also exist.

1-2A and 4B-4C I am skeptical if that person is a fully Somali. :dead:
What would you consider the average Somali hair texture? I thought it was type 3 at first, but now I'm not so sure.
Average would be Type 3- if to be precise 3b-3c which is curly..
However you do get some Somalis with extremely jileec hair, around Type 2c, but those are usually outliers. I met a dark skinned Somali with STRAIGHT hair one time, the amount of fellow somalis calling him hindi and indian was unbearable for the guy lol
I just searched up hair type chart to make sure and they have a Somali as 3A. I think it's 3B and 3A that are most common.



Engineer of Qandala
Team wavy, a little Moroccan oil is all you need.

I just searched up hair type chart to make sure and they have a Somali as 3A. I think it's 3B and 3A that are most common.


2B judgin by this chart:hmm:

