Countdown to President Said Abdullahi Aw Mohamed's inauguration

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Reiko Asad has a bright future. Try to read and comprehend for a moment.

Asad and Said Deni simply can't be compared Said Deni did many things while Asad was still a child then.

Do you know he was the founder of Tadamun that was looking after 15000 children sending them to school and doing relief work such as water and food.

He founded one of the biggest school Imaam Nawawi.

If you have no clue it is better to be silent
What has Tadamun achieved

What We Do


In today’s competitive world education is essential for man after food, clothing, and shelter. Education is the solution of any problem, it is the only education which promotes good habits, values and awareness to the world around us on the other hand Knowledge provides numerous means to the people to accomplish the goals. To improve the education of the local community TASS started its education services in 1992 in Bosaso, since then it has established 22 community schools 5 secondary and 17 primary schools throughout Puntland regions, in addition, TASS has established Galkaio faculty of veterinary medicine.
'It has established 22 community schools 5 secondary and 17primary schools throughoutPuntland regions, in addition,TASS has established Galkaiofaculty of veterinary medicine.'
Health and Nutrition

TB is one of epidemic diseases that mainly affects local people here in Puntland, so TASS in close collaboration other relief agencies has established Bosaso TB control center in Bosaso in 1996 to offer free diagnoses and free treatment for TB patients. The center now offers health care services for 400 TB patients.

Mobile clinics play an integral element of the healthcare system that serves vulnerable populations and promotes high-quality care particularly for the people in remote areas or rural villages, to save lives and promote health wellbeing of rural communities in Puntland, TASS undertook mobile clinic services reaching 80 villages with 39,000 people in Bari, Nugal, Mudug, and Sanaag regions to improve access for vulnerable populations to health care receiving free diagnosing services and free treatment.

Nutrition for children refers to everything that a child eats and drinks. As poor nutrition can cause health problems, TASS has implemented nutrition program in 12 health centers/MCHs in villages of Sool and Sanaag regions, it offers MCH staff payment, nutritional supply and regular monitoring and supervision in collaboration with the ministry of health (MOH).
'TASS undertook mobile clinic services reaching 80 villageswith 39,000 people in Bari, Nugal, Mudug, and Sanaagregions to improve access forvulnerable populations to healthcare receiving free diagnosing services and free treatment.'
'has implemented nutrition program in 12 health centers/MCHs in villages of Sool and Sanaag regions, it offersMCH staff payment, nutritionalsupply and regular monitoringand supervision in collaborationwith the ministry of health(MOH).'
TASS has implemented activities to improve sustainable and equitable access to domestic water supply and sanitation facilities, and improve hygiene behaviors, for the last decade TASS has drilled 116 shallow wells, 10 boreholes and rehabilitated 23 boreholes in various locations within Somalia, school and MCH sanitation and hygiene promotion part, TASS has constructed elevated and ground water tanks, twin latrines for 50 schools and 20 health centers in Puntland. In addition, TASS has implemented Community –led total sanitation (CLTS) in which reached 40 rural villages in Puntland and 85% of the target villages succeeded to be open-defecation-free ODF.


Reformation of Somaliland
President of Federal Republic of Somalia Mohamed Abdullahi will attend as it is planned


Oooh dangerous, remember what happened last time last year when Farmaajo came to Garowe.

Tukaraq takeover, what's the border situation like. Will somaliland push further to show Farmaajo his place or keep steady and wait if Deni wants to start a war
Sirlance there is a agreement and the madman is gone who wanted to use the Tukaraq debacle to get his term extended.

Somaliland is not mad they have their warnings.

They not crossing the line and excepted IGAD's mediation. The capture of Tukaraq is enough for Biixi at the moment more and Somaliland will take the full blame.


[[Puntland Republic 🇸🇱]]PIM[[C.S(BihinYusuf)]
Said Deni is the one who established Tadamun in Bosaso when there wasn't not that many high schools in Bosaso, that school was second largest in Puntland after Shafi'i which is on east of the city.

He single handily brought Egyptian teachers when there was no qualified teachers around , the school opened other branches in Puntland and expanded into 15,000 students and still growing.

Asad is a kid that never did anything for Puntland but go on fully paid scholarships to india to study security, I met him in Hyderabad during my visit to India in 2006 and was surprised to see him run for a president with not even an associate degree but a diploma.:meleshame:
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A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
You are a piece of shit. Asad risked his life protecting Puntland, how dare you undermine Asad.

What did Deni do for Puntland? Wasn't he kicked out of Bari by Abdullahi Yusuf in the 90s?

What did Deni do for the people of Puntland?
What road did he build?
What orphanage did he build?
How many orphans did he send to school and still give them allowance?

Asad did all of this.

Deni is not for the people! He robbed this election and justice will be served.
You supported Assad over president abdiweli gaas who has done more for puntland than assad Yet you supported assad cause he’s your family, you dont care what happens to puntland as long as its one of your family ruling it kkk


Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
You supported Assad over president abdiweli gaas who has done more for puntland than assad cause he’s your family it you dont care who rules puntland as long as its one of your family kkk

We are talking about Deni, not Gaas. Stay on topic.

Asad risked his life for the betterment of Puntland, I will not let you or @Saahid Qamaan try to diminish his hard work.
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