Controversial figure criticize Somali hypocrisy.

Palestine is more important than Somalia. Somalis are a group with an IQ of 68. They fight over clans. Who cares about this shit
This is also a actress, and her words don't matter
How can you say this about your own people? There are Innocent Somalis back home who have nothing to do with clan fighting and don’t deserve to suffer. You people are so fucking weak
You can look. The Palestinians did not kill half a million of each other. I am talking about resisting the occupation. and Who should we sympathize with?
Did the Somalis resist the occupation? The answer is no
Do Somalis deserve sympathy for what happens to them? The answer is also no
Why, because they are the ones killing each other, there is no man who came from Poland to kill them

Why don't you address my point? I was not talking about the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Since you're lashing at Somalis for killing each other, I gave you a comparison. How come Palestinians kill other Palestinians at a higher rate than Jews killing other Jews? Especially those inside Israel with Israeli citizenship, who despite being discriminated by the state, still have a better life standard than those in Gaza and West Bank.

The homicide rates have risen by more than 50% in one year alone from last year. Most of it is due to criminal gangs. Imagine if they had ineffective governments? I can bet you that some Palestinians would take advantage of the war at the expense of their own people. Look at Syria. I say that to say this, you can not compare the countries because we have different history and lifestyle that warrants different outcomes.

I don't justify what Somalis have done to each other, as most of it came as a result of our own doings, but most civilian Somalis are not to be blamed for what happened in the past decades in the civil war. As far geeljire Somalis killing each other, again what do you expect from rural people who lived the same lifestyle as 300 years ago, and nothing done by governments to that could adopt them to the modern life?

The same comparison can be made with other Arabs and the state of their respective countries. But don't come here with the low IQ bs about Somalis and disregarding other people's shortcomings.
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“Somalis have clan wars all the time, who gives a shit” Wallahi I’m speechless :farmajoyaab:Innocent, poor people are the ones that are dying and getting screwed over. Barely anything happens to those who orchestrate tribal wars. Genuinely, how tf can you not care for your fellow Somalis? Nothing wrong with speaking up against injustices in Palestine, but keep the same energy for your brothers, regardless of it happening often. Instead of dismissing the pain of people back home as common, meaningless qabil conflicts, make dua for them. Innocent people are bound to die after all.

@Al Adnani honestly f*ck you for that statement, you are a weirdo and all you do is spew nonsense. Hope u get banned wecel

The duality of man

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
Somalis once again giving a degenerate a platform, nothing wrong with her message but a flipping prostitute should never ever be listened to.
With that disgusting statement you made, I have no reason to be kind to you. Do better.
Palestine is holy land and Somalia is not. I could have used a better analogy but the gist of it is true. The Palestinian cause is more important than the Somali cause from an Islamic perspective. Also for the sake of Allah I forgive your harsh words towards me
Wallahi a rock in Al Aqsa is worth more than every piece of land in Somalia. I would burn down my own hometown to free Palestine

Relax bro you don’t have a home. You come from a langaab idoor clan that doesn’t even have a fkn tuulo. I’d hate me too if I was a langaab looma oyaan and even worse an idoor😂😂
Relax bro you don’t have a home. You come from a langaab idoor clan that doesn’t even have a fkn tuulo. I’d hate me too if I was a langaab looma oyaan and even worse an idoor😂😂
Leave your ooga booga tribalism in the FKD section this is a discussion for humans only
Ironic considering you’re inferiority complex literally stems from tribalism. It is our duty to treat langaabs like you as sub-human
My sub has plenty of tuulos from hawd to maroodi jeex but it’s irrelevant. How primitive can you be to turn a discussion about Palestine into a “muh tuulo is bigger dan yourz” argument.

Internet Nomad

𝑮𝒐𝒏𝒆 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒈𝒓𝒆𝒆𝒏𝒆𝒓 𝒑𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒆𝒔
Ironic considering you’re inferiority complex literally stems from tribalism. It is our duty to treat langaabs like you as sub-human
Somehow your worse than the ana carab guy.

This mentality of langaab or laandheer is the most cucked thing ever your making your whole personality around the fact a group of men could nut more efficiently than the other.

I would rather live amongst ana arabs than qabilst scum like you.
And Harar is the 4th holiest city in islam with the highest concentration of mosques yet no one cares that it's under kuffar rule and the people are always being killed there
Harar is not the 4th holiest city in Islam. What an outrageous statement without any credible Islamic sources to back your claim. No mention of Harar being the 4th holiest city in Islam anywhere in Islamic literature. That was made up. Hararis are not currently being indiscriminately killed or targeted by the current administration in Ethiopia. That was the case in the late 1880s during the reign of King Menelik.
Wallahi a rock in Al Aqsa is worth more than every piece of land in Somalia. I would burn down my own hometown to free Palestine
Ok I feel you brother but you wouldn't do that for the Gaza strip would you?! just Al Aqsa I can respect as its holy.

And hopefully you took out everyone from the hometown out first as the blood of a Muslim is still more important than any rock in Al Aqsa.
Palestinians themselves fight each other and the retards were the ones who got themselves into this predicament where they were colonized by Jews wtf is wrong with you you retard

And foreign countries keep meddling with our politics which causes more of these fitnas so it is impossible to have peace, AS is funded by foreigners, all our politicians are AS and are funded by foreigners to cause rabshad, HSM is selling all our oil and losing tuulos to AS every weak

Also they put chemicals in the land to make it dry and infertile, this causes drought and causes tribes to fight for lands
You are full of nonsense and gibberish. Keep making ludicrous claims to justify why Somalia has been a failed and dysfunctional state for more than 30 years. Palestinians were displaced and expelled from their own homes by a brutal apartheid regime. Somalis displaced and expelled each other. For more than 30 years we have been killing each other over qabil. Always blaming foreigners for the mess we have created.

Don't try to correlate minor political disagreements amongst certain Palestinian factions to people who have been killing each other over qabil for more than 30 years. Palestinians have not been killing each other over qabil for more than 30 years. Somalis have! We rank at the bottom of every social progress index. Cities like Gaza are more advanced than most cities in Somalia. Somalis need to hold themselves accountable for the destruction and suffering in Somalia.