Clarifying Remarks on Somali Girls Aint Feeling Us Thread

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@VixR baal come look at this second attempt :mjlol: just as disastrous as the first lmaoooo

You don't run off crying just because people disagrees with your argument. That's not how you foster healthy discussion, not everyone is going to agree with everything you write. The fact that everyone in this thread is rushing to reassure you and coddle u is a bit pathetic. Learn how to take disagreements

Your last posts, as well as your current one, is rife with generalisation and sexism. I could overlook you condescing little blurb about this being aimed at somali men only but the moment you decided to chalk the issue?, can u even call something that minor an issue lol, all up to biological difference, as well as psychological, was when your argument started losing credit. Certain characteristics like loyalty and patriotism isn't exclusive to one sex
Dheg, its like I said. Sometimes you need a narrative to get by. The nature of this one is self-indicative; the holes, and its slant are obvious. Even in attempting to address a very real problem, one of unemployment and waywardness in the male population, the utmost issue to their success and self-perception is, of course, ultimately female in nature, with the support of familiar Reddit neckbeard pseudo-psychology, where feelings and anecdote are favored over fdata and reality, the minority is treated for the majority, and even the metrics of general wellbeing where the female is concerned is a discredit to them.

You can do no right when the male is low on himself; they have to bring you down too. I would do my best to stay away from these types, but I'd take it as another reminder of the existence of the thought process mainly to test prevalence in order to ilali yourself from it. You can't really save them. You save yourself. You worry about your family unit, you make sure they're so low in the gutter, and that's about as much as you can do. Wallahi, yesterday if I tell you I checked on my brothers, fam kkk. Utter poison of thought.
Dheg, its like I said. Sometimes you need a narrative to get by. The nature of this one is self-indicative; the holes, and its slant are obvious. Even in attempting to address a very real problem, one of unemployment and waywardness in the male population, the utmost issue to their success and self-perception is, of course, ultimately female in nature, with the support of familiar Reddit neckbeard pseudo-psychology, where feelings and anecdote are favored over fdata and reality, the minority is treated for the majority, and even the metrics of general wellbeing where the female is concerned is a discredit to them.

You can do no right when the male is low on himself; they have to bring you down too. I would do my best to stay away from these types, but I'd take it as another reminder of the existence of the thought process mainly to test prevalence in order to ilali yourself from it. You can't really save them. You save yourself. You worry about your family unit, you make sure they're so low in the gutter, and that's about as much as you can do. Wallahi, yesterday if I tell you I checked on my brothers, fam kkk. Utter poison of thought.

Your pet theories and armchair psycho-analysis would be less nauseating if they had at least some connection to reality. But alas it's nothing but the smug musings of a pompous dhoocil who fancies herself a cyber-intellectual.


It's too damn HOT!
I read that you think the issue was that Somalis have too much freedom when it comes to marriages, how would you combat this? Arrange marriages?


Your pet theories and armchair psycho-analysis would be less nauseating if they had at least some connection to reality. But alas it's nothing but the smug musings of a pompous dhoocil who fancies herself a cyber-intellectual.
I wish I could lay claim to them, but they're not my theories, or theories at all. I forget the actual term, but building and working around a narrative is a well-known psychological device. Where reality fails to provide explanation, self-constructed narratives are a safe bet.

I know u find Somali women attractive and desirable, but it come across like ur looking down on your own women when u call them 'futo dhuxul bottom barrel black women' just cuz top cadaan guys and other ajanabis don't want them.

We are still on the same page. my first and last option is Somali women and I love Futo Dhuxool chicks btw! To me they are the best women by a country mile which I have said on the forums many tines.

Those comments were in response to this new line of argument I have been seeing often from a few of the Xaalimo's on here that goes "You guys are lucky we are loyal to you guys, because your nothing." which has to be destroyed, because women don't have loyalty to race at all as your post argued which I agree with, this is typical false emotional blackmail comments that has to be destroyed.

Otherwise a dumb young Xaalimo that reads these comments will take it at face value and rightfully ask "why be loyal at all?" and they will search and search and likely end up with a Gypsie -esque dude for the reasons I stated that will violate them bad and she will be scarred and tainted for life as a result.

Hence that bogus narrative needs to be destroyed fast! it has dangerous implications! even for the Somali male's as well whom don't understand that it's just a blackmail bluff statement so they can feel good about themselves.
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I read that you think the issue was that Somalis have too much freedom when it comes to marriages, how would you combat this? Arrange marriages?

I think fathers and brothers need to be actively involved in the process when their daughters and sisters are ready for marriage. I have seen no other group of Muslim men that are as hands off as Somali men when it comes to their women. I have an Afghani friend who once asked me "how come Somali men don't care?" and then I said "about what?" and he said "about anything." I pressed him further and he gave some examples, the biggest one being how we don't care about our girls. They go out when they want, come home when they want, date who they want, marry who they want, divorce at whim. It's a freaking free for all with no rules. Wallahi I had no answer. All I could tell him was "I don't know bro".

Somali dads and brothers need to be involved with the process from the beginning. Arranged marriages are good, but the girl should of course always have the choice to refuse. The girl should also have the right to meet a guy on her own, but then her dad should let her know that when she meets a guy she should immediately tell him and her brothers so they can vet the guy and see if he's suitable for her or if she's selling herself short. Men can pick up on things about other men that women can't. A dad or brother can tell if he's an unscrupulous player or irresponsible loser, but women may not be able to pick up on it. Also, when the guy has to meet the dad or brothers he's not gonna mess around and take advantage of the girl physically and bounce. If he's serious about marriage he'll be down to continue, if he's not then he'll disappear.
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I think fathers and brothers need to be actively involved in the process when their daughters and sisters are ready for marriage. I have seen no other group of Muslim men that are as hands off as Somali men when it comes to their women. I have an Afghani friend who once asked me "how come Somali men don't care?" and then I said "about what?" and he "about anything." I pressed him further and he gave some examples, the biggest one being how we don't care about our girls. They go out when they want, come home when they want, date who they want, marry who they want, divorce at whim. It's a freaking free for all with no rules. Wallahi I had no answer. All I could tell him was "I don't know bro".

Somali dads and brothers need to be involved with the process from the beginning. Arranged marriages are good, but the girl should of course always have the choice to refuse. The girl should also have the right to meet a guy on her own, but then her dad should let her know that when she meets a guy she should immediately tell him and her brothers so they can vet the guy and see if he's suitable for her or if she's selling herself short. Men can pick up on things about other men that women can't. A dad or brother can tell if he's an unscrupulous player or irresponsible loser, but women may not be able to pick up on it. Also, when the guy has to meet the dad or brothers he's not gonna mess around and take advantage of the girl physically and bounce. If he's serious about marriage he'll be down to continue, if he's not then he'll disappear.

someone listen to this man. i have been saying the same thing
We are still on the same page. my first and last option is Somali women and I love Futo Dhuxool btw! To me they are the best women by a country mile which I have said on the forums many tines.

Those comments were in response to this new line of argument I have been seeing often from a few of the Xaalimo's on here that goes "You guys are lucky we are loyal to you guys, because your nothing." which has to be destroyed, because women don't have loyalty to race at all as your post argued which I agree with, this is typical false emotional blackmail comments that has to be destroyed.

Otherwise a dumb young Xaalimo that reads these comments will take it at face value and rightfully ask "why be loyal at all?" and they will search and search and likely end up with a Gypsie -esque dude for the reasons I stated that will violate them bad and she will be scarred and tainted for life as a result.

Hence that bogus narrative needs to be destroyed fast! it has dangerous implications! even for the Somali male's as well whom don't understand that it's just a blackmail bluff statement so they can feel good about themselves.

Thanks for the clarification bro, si fiican baan kuu fahmay.
One thing's for certain, there needs to be an entire fucking cultural overhaul when it comes to parenting (or lack of) in the Somali community. No more laissez-faire style hands-free approach. Either raise your kids properly, or don't fucking have them in the first place.
Islam is the Arabic for surrender and submission to God (text book definition monotheism) a puritanical single message preached by every messenger sent on this planet to the people.

Waaq was the same as was Eebow during the kingdom of Kush in the Bronze age, Christianity was the same message until the Europeans through Paul corrupted it a century later with their trinity bull crap, the central core message was all the same, it was "monotheism" so were much of the wisdom and lessons. But of course your too thick to understand this..

Honestly it says more about you and your ilk that you have no trouble accepting the same rehearsed shit, Old testament 0.3 nothing more nothing less. At least Judaism can claim we wuz first but the other two? lol

Monotheism and polytheism has always existed in different societies whether they be non white or european. It's frankly hilarious how you're on a mission to attribute one or the other to europeans/somalis exclusively hah

Yes! your stuck with us through convenience and you do not have choice at all other then to down grade like all the others that jumped ship, no quality male from another race with money and choice would ever voluntary consider a futo dhuxool bottom barrel black women

The stats back me on this, black women are the least desired race by every other ethnic group. They see you as trash jungle fever peasant at the bottom of the hierarchy. Only those that can't make it, the poor, the peasant, the ugly, the bottom feeder will make himself available to you because he has no other choice and we see this manifestations all the time.

On the other hand the quality Farah doesn't suffer from this issue as the women are not programmed to CARE anyway, hence majority AA stars are with white/Asian/Latino women, you don't have to be one to do this! but your futo dhuxool ass doesn't have this choice, beyond a lucky one night stand.

Lol No I really am not, just because you're all so intent on perpetrating you own miserable self fulfilling prophecy doesn't mean the rest of us have to follow. I don't have to settle for sexist, closed minded scum nor ugly, bottom feeders as u so eloquently put it. You're so invested in that stupid narrative you've completely managed to delude yourself into your own fanfic reality

Embarrassing :mjlol: I reject u and I'm suddenly a hideous, ugly cave beast l m a o. I've never seen a more perfect example of male fragility.

And we're back to being black now? lmao weren't you one of those fools intent on differentiating somalis to other black ppl? which one is it :icon lol: I'll say it again I can have the pick of the litter and I don't have any trouble attracting folks what so ever, stay delusional :icon lol:


The in-group theory of @jugjugwacwac is not something new, it has
been around for a longtime as Somalis say "naag qabil maleh" , some exceptions exist for
certain Somali groups. Couple years ago I was chilling in the bush with a old man and we
were discussing sub clan numbers under a tree, he said girls are not counted in the family
only boys are counted when it comes to landheerniimo when he was telling me about his
large family since only the males will carry the lineage. Our elders are very wise.
How is that wise?
Your pet theories and armchair psycho-analysis would be less nauseating if they had at least some connection to reality. But alas it's nothing but the smug musings of a pompous dhoocil who fancies herself a cyber-intellectual.

Damn you've never described yourself so succinctly. I thought you were talking about yourself for a minute, how sway!?

Dheg, its like I said. Sometimes you need a narrative to get by. The nature of this one is self-indicative; the holes, and its slant are obvious. Even in attempting to address a very real problem, one of unemployment and waywardness in the male population, the utmost issue to their success and self-perception is, of course, ultimately female in nature, with the support of familiar Reddit neckbeard pseudo-psychology, where feelings and anecdote are favored over fdata and reality, the minority is treated for the majority, and even the metrics of general wellbeing where the female is concerned is a discredit to them.

You can do no right when the male is low on himself; they have to bring you down too. I would do my best to stay away from these types, but I'd take it as another reminder of the existence of the thought process mainly to test prevalence in order to ilali yourself from it. You can't really save them. You save yourself. You worry about your family unit, you make sure they're so low in the gutter, and that's about as much as you can do. Wallahi, yesterday if I tell you I checked on my brothers, fam kkk. Utter poison of thought.

It's true. God forbid either of my brothers ever start talking like this lol I'd wonder who hurt them to cause them such low self esteem :faysalwtf:
Honestly it says more about you and your ilk that you have no trouble accepting the same rehearsed shit, Old testament 0.3 nothing more nothing less. At least Judaism can claim we wuz first but the other two? lol

Monotheism and polytheism has always existed in different societies whether they be non white or european. It's frankly hilarious how you're on a mission to attribute one or the other to europeans/somalis exclusively hah

Lol No I really am not, just because you're all so intent on perpetrating you own miserable self fulfilling prophecy doesn't mean the rest of us have to follow. I don't have to settle for sexist, closed minded scum nor ugly, bottom feeders as u so eloquently put it. You're so invested in that stupid narrative you've completely managed to delude yourself into your own fanfic reality
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Embarrassing :mjlol: I reject u and I'm suddenly a hideous, ugly cave beast l m a o. I've never seen a more perfect example of male fragility.

And we're back to being black now? lmao weren't you one of those fools intent on differentiating somalis to other black ppl? which one is it :icon lol: I'll say it again I can have the pick of the litter and I don't have any trouble attracting folks what so ever, stay delusional :icon lol:

Was that some kind of Half Shukaansi Half Hurling Insults... :ohhh:

Yaab, never knew the new age of Shukaansi would evolve like this.. :obama:


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Do you guys have any desire to engage in honest discourse or is this thread gonna devolve into another round of ad hominems and strawman fallacies?
Was that some kind of Half Shukaansi Half Hurling Insults... :ohhh:

Yaab, never knew the new age of Shukaansi would evolve like this.. :obama:

I honestly don't know, he was beggin me to meet up with him at paddington when I mentioned I hung around their in a previous comment. When I rejected he started with the weird abusive, BDSM fanfiction :susp:

I believe it's called negging coined by professional pick up artists
Negging is a rhetorical strategy whereby a person makes a deliberate backhanded compliment or otherwise insulting remark to another person in order to undermine their confidence in a way that gains approval. The term was coined and prescribed by the pickup artist community.

It's a tactic popular with insecure, beta males


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
These women are delusional if they think they can argue with general biological arguments? Why do you think in Islam all combatant men are executed and not women? Because women generally speaking are easily persuaded to accept the new status quo and adjust accordingly. Its simply adapting to their new co habitants and breeding with them to secure their position in society.

Its why white males are the most sought after race due to European colonialism even though their own females may seek other races (mainly due their own Europhilic occultist Jewish agenda). If the most sought after race is bothered by niggerlovers and suffering from the issue, imagine us? This is just the ingrate nature of women.

As @Duke of Bohol perfectly quoted the maahmaah naag qabil maleh we should stress over even concern ourself with females who betray the ingroup loyalty creed as they have effectively removed themselves from the Somali genepool and have become vessels for the next Abu Tyrone, Abu Jeebsii al Tuugaawi
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