Clarifying Remarks on Somali Girls Aint Feeling Us Thread

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Yeah, Im beginning to realize my personality type doesn't match this forum. I don't think I'll be posting here anymore. I like to delve deeply into a topic that interests me or that I think is important. Since this gender topic kept coming up on this forum I thought I'd give my take on it, but I can see how for most people it looks like an over-analysis or that I'm being weirdly obsessive about it lol. They don't realize i'm like that with so many other topics that fascinate me, it's just how I am. Anyway thanks for the feedback.

Good writing Mudane! :salute:

There is a demographic shift in this forum and that is due to the recent influx of late teens who are sexually confused and less interested in real intellectual conversations. However, don't let this discourage you because I think you bring a lot of value.
@VixR baal come look at this second attempt :mjlol: just as disastrous as the first lmaoooo

You don't run off crying just because people disagrees with your argument. That's not how you foster healthy discussion, not everyone is going to agree with everything you write. The fact that everyone in this thread is rushing to reassure you and coddle u is a bit pathetic. Learn how to take disagreements

Your last posts, as well as your current one, is rife with generalisation and sexism. I could overlook you condescing little blurb about this being aimed at somali men only but the moment you decided to chalk the issue?, can u even call something that minor an issue lol, all up to biological difference, as well as psychological, was when your argument started losing credit. Certain characteristics like loyalty and patriotism isn't exclusive to one sex
Good writing Mudane! :salute:

There is a demographic shift in this forum and that is due to the recent influx of late teens who are sexually confused and less interested in real intellectual conversations. However, don't let this discourage you because I think you bring a lot of value.

Thanks inaadeer. And the bolded part explains a lot.
Everywhere else in this world they have various "think thanks" covering everything even the most bizarre, you have entire institutions like the Washington institute that covers every country to the absolute detail even from a historical perspective in such a deep way you as an indigenous are unaware off.

They have regulations that cover socks/pillows/zippers etc in the EU with pillows alone making up 35 regulations over 100 pages of break down of every minute material/fabric how to store them etc.

It's why they won the war and continue to subjugate the rest of the world even 'mentally' with this attention to detail and analysis off everything, the gap is so great that even self analysis off the bad predicament of our own community is being frowned upon by us.

We are one step away from becoming like the AA, were being book smart and educated will soon be 'mocked' as well.

I wish I could like this 10 times. Excellent observations mudane.
@VixR baal come look at this second attempt :mjlol: just as disastrous as the first lmaoooo

You don't run off crying just because people disagrees with your argument. That's not how you foster healthy discussion, not everyone is going to agree with everything you write. The fact that everyone in this thread is rushing to reassure you and coddle u is a bit pathetic. Learn how to take disagreements

Your last posts, as well as your current one, is rife with generalisation and sexism. I could overlook you condescing little blurb about this being aimed at somali men only but the moment you decided to chalk the issue?, can u even call something that minor an issue lol, all up to biological difference, as well as psychological, was when your argument started losing credit. Certain characteristics like loyalty and patriotism isn't exclusive to one sex

I wasn't upset that people were disagreeing with me, in fact I relish disagreements because I take it as an opportunity either learn something or sharpen my debating skills. My issue was with the fact that they weren't addressing the points in my argument but were instead hurling ad hominems. I can see that maybe I was being a bit too thin-skinned, but I'm only human and shit can get to u sometimes.

As for ur last paragraph, it's perfectly fine that ur disagreeing with me, I was expecting that most of the girls would anyway.
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One of the best threads i have read on this forum in my short time here. We somalis need to self reflect and analyse on our short comings especially the men. The men hold the keys to the somali society and if that gate keepers are not doing their jobs well,,,,


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Excellent thread, you were attacked by Beta cucks and angry females infected by Europhilic parasitic viruses implanted into them by Women's Studies courses in community college
@Cinnamon Spice

You see you attacked without even attempting a counter argument regarding the patriotism part of his argument which he brought several examples, I'll add another example with the Atomic bombs dropped in Japan, half a million children/women and man were wiped out, million more of their men killed defending their country, yet the American soldiers returned home with many wife's from Japan.

It's not a negative thing neither did he argue it's negative at all, hence no clue why your pissed off at all, he brought the biological argument while supporting that with several examples like the above, of course it's not EVERY SINGLE women, the same way not EVERY SINGLE man fought or is patriotic either.

Yes there are a few women that will always remain patriotic but the few is overshadowed by the majority that go with their natural inclinations, if you don't believe so and think they make up a majority, that's fine! counter his arguments citing examples in history were this was the case.

I can cite examples for the few patriotic women in Vietnam prostitution brothels, they slept with the enemies to gather vital intelligence about them which they then fed back to their Guerrilla fighters whom then decimated them in surprise attacks, while others carried out spy roles and very few even fought, again these were minorities, way more then these ended up marrying American soldiers and flying home with them and even more were indifferent, this proves his argument and I haven't seen a counter argument from you.
One of the best threads i have read on this forum in my short time here. We somalis need to self reflect and analyse on our short comings especially the men. The men hold the keys to the somali society and if that gate keepers are not doing their jobs well,,,,


Calaacalka jooji counter his argument, break it down, prove to us it's false citing examples, at least Vixr makes an attempt at this.

You of all people that threw away your 5000 year old monotheistic believes, traded your entire culture for Europhile discourse/believes/etiquette's is actually a living proof of @jugjugwacwac core arguments which you prove by your daily ululation for them.

At least you can make an excuse for women in war zones whose male's were killed that just want to survive, you however acquiesced and conformed without a single bullet being fired nor even hearing the drums of war.

Your futo dhuxool and blackness is undesirable to most male's, hence why you are stuck with those you hate because you have no choices other then gypsies and dregs to choose from, like many of your types that struggle to upgrade beyond the ex convict and bottom feeders.

Meel iska fadhiiso you are tied to us through convenience not through your own choice like much of the other AA women, if you had better choice and wasn't looked down upon as jungle fever, you would have jumped ship long time ago.
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Calaacalka jooji counter his argument, break it down, prove to us it's false citing examples, at least Vixr makes an attempt at this.

You of all people that threw away your 5000 year old monotheistic believes, traded your entire culture for Europhile discourse/believes/etiquette's is actually a living proof of @jugjugwacwac core arguments which you prove by your daily ululation for them.

At least you can make an excuse for women in war zones whose male's were killed that just want to survive, you however acquiesced and conformed without a single bullet being fired nor even hearing the drums of war.

Your futo dhuxool and blackness is undesirable to most male's, hence why you are stuck with those you hate because you have no choices other then gypsies and dregs to choose from, like many of your types that struggle to upgrade beyond the ex convict and bottom feeders.

Meel iska fadhiiso you are tied to us through convenience not through your own choice like much of the other AA women.

Braddar your 5000 year old monotheistic belief is arab, you're essentially breathing and living 7th century arab culture.

You should go back to not quoting me again, I enjoyed when you kept me out of ur self masturbatory excuse of a post


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ

Calaacalka jooji counter his argument, break it down, prove to us it's false citing examples, at least Vixr makes an attempt at this.

You of all people that threw away your 5000 year old monotheistic believes, traded your entire culture for Europhile discourse/believes/etiquette's is actually a living proof of @jugjugwacwac core arguments which you prove by your daily ululation for them.

At least you can make an excuse for women in war zones whose male's were killed that just want to survive, you however acquiesced and conformed without a single bullet being fired nor even hearing the drums of war.

Your futo dhuxool and blackness is undesirable to most male's, hence why you are stuck with those you hate because you have no choices other then gypsies and dregs to choose from, like many of your types that struggle to upgrade beyond the ex convict and bottom feeders.

Meel iska fadhiiso you are tied to us through convenience not through your own choice like much of the other AA women, if you had better choice and wasn't looked down upon as jungle fever, you would have jumped ship long time ago.

Braddar your 5000 year old monotheistic belief is arab, you're essentially breathing and living 7th century arab culture.

You should go back to not quoting me again, I enjoyed when you kept me out of ur self masturbatory excuse of a post

The Arab Prophet wasn't around 5000 years ago, the 7th century is only 1400 years ago, this is how stupid you are that you can't even make basic differentiation, before the 7th century we referred to the monotheistic God Waaq and before that it was "Eebow" a term we still use today courtesy of the messengers sent to us back than! which even the Sumerians/Babylonians and Egyptians worshipped.

All the beautiful names belong to him! your statement reeks of inferiority complex, the Arab's did nothing to you but the Europeans occultist you worship almost enslaved you had it not been for our brave forefathers courageous resistance, but Alas you spat in their face by your voluntary submission and worship of the invaders, once again proving @jugjugwacwac core argument.

The only thing left for you now is to open up your legs to them, but unlike the Asian female's, you choices are limited, as most of the male's regard you as an option of last resort when all else fails! Look at what happens you when you dishonour yourself! pathetic!
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The Arab Prophet wasn't around 5000 years ago, the 7th century is only 1400 years ago, this is how stupid you are that you can't even make basic differentiation, before the 7th century we referred to the monotheistic God Waaq and before that it was "Eebow" a term we still use today courtesy of the messengers sent to us back than! which even the Sumerians/Babylonians and Egyptians worshipped.

All the beautiful names belong to him! your statement reeks of inferiority complex, the Arab's did nothing to you but the Europeans occultist you worship almost enslaved you had it not been for our brave forefathers courageous resistance, but Alas you spat in their face by your voluntary submission and worship of the invaders, once again proving @jugjugwacwac core argument.

You retard lmaooooo so apparently islam is the rightful follow up for Waaq because it's monotheistic? I bet you'd consider Christianity an euro philic religion as well despite islam being a direct copy cat of christianity and christianity a copy for judeism...

But then again what do I expect from the same person who seriously believes atheism to be polytheistic and the world to be flat. I feel like I'm losing brain cells every time I read one of your posts...My god am I glad I don't have to deal with this xoolonimo in RL lmao kulaha I'm stuck with u out of convenience, I've never read anything more funny. Unlike u I can have my pick of the litter :cryinglaughsmiley:


The in-group theory of @jugjugwacwac is not something new, it has
been around for a longtime as Somalis say "naag qabil maleh" , some exceptions exist for
certain Somali groups. Couple years ago I was chilling in the bush with a old man and we
were discussing sub clan numbers under a tree, he said girls are not counted in the family
only boys are counted when it comes to landheerniimo when he was telling me about his
large family since only the males will carry the lineage. Our elders are very wise.
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You retard lmaooooo so apparently islam is the rightful follow up for Waaq because it's monotheistic? I bet you'd consider Christianity an euro philic religion as well despite islam being a direct copy cat of christianity and christianity a copy for judeism...

But then again what do I expect from the same person who seriously believes atheism to be polytheistic and the world to be flat. I feel like I'm losing brain cells every time I read one of your posts...My god am I glad I don't have to deal with this xoolonimo in RL lmao kulaha I'm stuck with u out of convenience, I've never read anything more funny. Unlike u I can have my pick of the litter :cryinglaughsmiley:

Islam is the Arabic for surrender and submission to God (text book definition monotheism) a puritanical single message preached by every messenger sent on this planet to the people.

Waaq was the same as was Eebow during the kingdom of Kush in the Bronze age, Christianity was the same message until the Europeans through Paul corrupted it a century later with their trinity bull crap, the central core message was all the same, it was "monotheism" so were much of the wisdom and lessons. But of course your too thick to understand this.

Yes! your stuck with us through convenience and you do not have choice at all other then to down grade like all the others that jumped ship, no quality male from another race with money and choice would ever voluntary consider a futo dhuxool bottom barrel black women

The stats back me on this, black women are the least desired race by every other ethnic group. They see you as trash jungle fever peasant at the bottom of the hierarchy. Only those that can't make it, the poor, the peasant, the ugly, the bottom feeder will make himself available to you because he has no other choice and we see this manifestations all the time.

On the other hand the quality Farah doesn't suffer from this issue as the women are not programmed to CARE anyway, hence majority AA stars are with white/Asian/Latino women, you don't have to be one to do this! but your futo dhuxool ass doesn't have this choice, beyond a lucky one night stand.
Yes! your stuck with us through convenience and you do not have choice at all other then to down grade like all the others that jumped ship, no quality male from another race with money and choice would ever voluntary consider a futo dhuxool bottom barrel black women

I agree with you on everything else sxb except this. Even if Somali women are viewed as bottom barrel to some other groups of men it should have no influence on how we view them. For example, I consider indhoyar women bottom of the barrel, I have absolutely no attraction to them what so ever. If all Somalis or even all blacks held this same opinion I doubt indhoyar men would tell their women "your yellow ass is bottom of the barrel cuz African men don't want you". Indhoyar men wouldn't care at all because they find their women attractive. It's the same here, i could care less if all the men in the world thought Somali women were bottom of the barrel, all that matters is that we as Somali men find them attractive and desirable.

I know u find Somali women attractive and desirable, but it come across like ur looking down on your own women when u call them 'futo dhuxul bottom barrel black women' just cuz top cadaan guys and other ajanabis don't want them.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
I agree with you on everything else sxb except this. Even if Somali women are viewed as bottom barrel to some other groups of men it should have no influence on how we view them. For example, I consider indhoyar women bottom of the barrel, I have absolutely no attraction to them what so ever. If all Somalis or even all blacks held this same opinion I doubt indhoyar men would tell their women "your yellow ass is bottom of the barrel cuz African men don't want you". Indhoyar men wouldn't care at all because they find their women attractive. It's the same here, i could care less if all the men in the world thought Somali women were bottom of the barrel, all that matters is that we as Somali men find them attractive and desirable.

I know u find Somali women attractive and desirable, but it come across like ur looking down on your own women when u call them 'futo dhuxul bottom barrel black women' just cuz top cadaan guys and other ajanabis don't want them.

My nigga :birdman:

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