Childhood memories made up

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Think back to your first memory. Can you remember your age? Or how you felt? The further back in your recollection you reach, the murkier memories become.

There's a reason these earlier episodes are elusive. This phenomenon, called "childhood amnesia," may kick in around age eight, according to psychologists from Emory University. The researchers asked parents to chat with their three-year-old children about recent life events such as visiting the zoo or going to a birthday party. Years later the kids were prompted to recall these same early experiences. The researchers found that the kids who were now six or seven remembered up to 72 percent of the memories collected at age three, but eight- and nine-year-olds could dredge up only half that.

This memory loss may actually be a byproduct of making new memories. In May, a team of neuroscientists at the Hospital for Sick Children in Canada found that the creation of new neurons in the brain's memory systems--which appears to help us learn new concepts--may disrupt older connections. - I could not find a better
source online, min made thread so allow it.

For the longest time I thought Princess Diana(AUN) visiting my primary school was just a dream, but from a recent conversation with my brothers, they confirmed that she indeed did visit our school.:axvmm9o:

There is one childhood memory that haunted me for years though, I was certain it happened. This memory involved my cousin, she's around the same age as me. Anyways I thought something happened between us and I would get paranoid and think she was snitching whenever I'd see her giggling with friends. I'm 99% certain this was made up :whew:

I have confessed my sins.
I think it's a kind of self-defense. All those children who suffered horrific early childhoods, the edges have dulled by the time they are on the verge of puberty.

I have a memory from when I was a toddler of my cousin/playmate getting hurt. He died soon after that event and it haunts me.
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