Cagjar Promises To Destroy ONLF

Not true. Cagjar did us a favour. He took out the few qashin and it’s not possible but cagjar

in addition. Unless you have skin in the game why should we care about the opinions of some random dude online ?

the British named the region and we will keep the historic name. They named it due to only one clan fighting back whilst the rest kowtowed.

your opinion is like a tissue on the sidewalk.

what tribe are you anyways ? I bet you do not mind if your tribe or clan rule a particular region but your happy to try to dictate to others hahahahha

A spit on the pavement is worth than your opinion. Like it or hate it end of the day it’s OG groups vying for power in the region.

Funny how a random langab online demands name is changed yet has no skin in the game what so ever.

come back to me about name change when you have taken a Bullet for the region. Until then better to keep that gob of yours quite before you embarrass yourself.

Onlf won in the late 1990s despite Ethiopia and all the yar yar langab qashin clans against her. We won 87% of the votes.

do you know why ? Because we are majority. Kulaha work with other clans ? What other clans ? Absame is 93% of the population hate it or love it. Hence the name the British gave the land. Did they call it after some langab clan or the real owners ? Kkkkkkk

Wa wareeey why so aggressive? :dead:
Not true. Cagjar did us a favour. He took out the few qashin and it’s not possible but cagjar

in addition. Unless you have skin in the game why should we care about the opinions of some random dude online ?

the British named the region and we will keep the historic name. They named it due to only one clan fighting back whilst the rest kowtowed.

your opinion is like a tissue on the sidewalk.

what tribe are you anyways ? I bet you do not mind if your tribe or clan rule a particular region but your happy to try to dictate to others hahahahha

A spit on the pavement is worth than your opinion. Like it or hate it end of the day it’s OG groups vying for power in the region.

Funny how a random langab online demands name is changed yet has no skin in the game what so ever.

come back to me about name change when you have taken a Bullet for the region. Until then better to keep that gob of yours quite before you embarrass yourself.

Onlf won in the late 1990s despite Ethiopia and all the yar yar langab qashin clans against her. We won 87% of the votes.

do you know why ? Because we are majority. Kulaha work with other clans ? What other clans ? Absame is 93% of the population hate it or love it. Hence the name the British gave the land. Did they call it after some langab clan or the real owners ? Kkkkkkk

I agree that the people that switched sides were people that should have never been in ONLF in the first place, but they really need to sort out the leadership asap. By the way, I am Ogaden from qoraxay and I do care for my region. I am just trying to contribute to a discussion which is relevant to me in a forum. I have plenty of my family who support ONLF and we shouldn't forget the people that fought for out struggle, but I am looking into the future. And what is wrong with working together with other clans who also have the same objective and interest? Any political party should the very least try minimize it's affiliation to any particular clan and collaborate together if we seriously want to get more autonomy from the central government in addis and fight for our interests, which we will not achieve if your attitude is what the peopel have back home. And you are seriously undermining the presence of non Ogaden clans.
I agree that the people that switched sides were people that should have never been in ONLF in the first place, but they really need to sort out the leadership asap. By the way, I am Ogaden from qoraxay and I do care for my region. I am just trying to contribute to a discussion which is relevant to me in a forum. I have plenty of my family who support ONLF and we shouldn't forget the people that fought for out struggle, but I am looking into the future. And what is wrong with working together with other clans who also have the same objective and interest? Any political party should the very least try minimize it's affiliation to any particular clan and collaborate together if we seriously want to get more autonomy from the central government in addis and fight for our interests, which we will not achieve if your attitude is what the peopel have back home. And you are seriously undermining the presence of non Ogaden clans.

You are NOT Ogaden, stop making it up sxb, we have issues with sheegats

No Ogaden says I am Ogaden from Qoraxey, ahahahhahahaha , OG will just say I am Ogaden, he considers NFD and Jubaland and Ogadeniya all his lands, he never lays claim to one single area

thank you for your opinion, the very people you claim we should work are langabs who have booty clapped for habashi and would rather shoot an OG in the back than work with us

besides, the land is Absame Kumade anyone else is irrelevant, in every sense, Notice how two OG man are competing and this is not somalia, Absame actually has a massive monopoly on the region in terms of people, land owners, history, politics , its like telling an Englishman or a Scottish man he should work with others, what bloody others? the land and every is Absame majority dominated sxb

the lexicons share and work and others does not enter our Vocabulary, Majority rule minority rights

another thing, no OG nasab blooded man specially from Qoraxey will ever attack ONLF or say we should work with others

every Absame when he is born and hears the shahada knows he is the OWNER and MAJORTY overwhelmingly of this land,

another tip that tells me your sheegat - also never seen you defend when we are insulted on this forum, where you been hiding Dalalos?
You are NOT Ogaden, stop making it up sxb, we have issues with sheegats

No Ogaden says I am Ogaden from Qoraxey, ahahahhahahaha , OG will just say I am Ogaden, he considers NFD and Jubaland and Ogadeniya all his lands, he never lays claim to one single area

thank you for your opinion, the very people you claim we should work are langabs who have booty clapped for habashi and would rather shoot an OG in the back than work with us

besides, the land is Absame Kumade anyone else is irrelevant, in every sense, Notice how two OG man are competing and this is not somalia, Absame actually has a massive monopoly on the region in terms of people, land owners, history, politics , its like telling an Englishman or a Scottish man he should work with others, what bloody others? the land and every is Absame majority dominated sxb

the lexicons share and work and others does not enter our Vocabulary, Majority rule minority rights

another thing, no OG nasab blooded man specially from Qoraxey will ever attack ONLF or say we should work with others

every Absame when he is born and hears the shahada knows he is the OWNER and MAJORTY overwhelmingly of this land,

another tip that tells me your sheegat - also never seen you defend when we are insulted on this forum, where you been hiding Dalalos?

I don't like to get involved in useless toxic qabilistic threads which are a waste of time . I stated my region to give you an indication of what my subclan is and where did I attack ONLF? I just think it would be wiser to change tactics to have a better chance of achieving our goals. I believe the central government is only going to become more ruthless with ONLF with time just like what is happening in Oromia.