Breitbrat: Somalis the least educated refugees arriving 2017

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cismaan maxamuud
c being ع is a given, I didn't even have to bring it up.

There is no Somali script. It's just phonetic latin. It's not something that needs to be taught, you can figure it out on your own.
tell me about it,all you need to know is c,x and your set. Wallahi these hoyoo mataalo kids are acting like it's rocket science or something:cryinglaughsmiley::cryinglaughsmiley::cryinglaughsmiley::cryinglaughsmiley:
c being ع is a given, I didn't even have to bring it up.

There is no Somali script. It's just phonetic latin. It's not something that needs to be taught, you can figure it out on your own.

How is that given lmao that's not what a C sounds like in english? Somali may use a latin script but it sounds nothing like the english pronunciation, that's what I'm getting at. The only reason why I can sort of make head or tail of any of it is because I had lessons once upon a time when i was 10.

That's like me trying to read in swedish, I mean it has a latin script and it's fairly similar to danish so I should be able to understand it right? wrong. I'd still need to know what the öä equivalent would be z3zrULC

Never mind lol we veered way past my original point
What a load of horse shitt kkkkk
Kulaha give them a science book and they will cure cancer :drakelaugh::cryinglaughsmiley:

Say what you will but the dugsi structure is one of hope
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Smashing a Bookorad on a young child's head just because they uttered a word wrong is giving them hope La xawla, it's becoming clearer by day we are Doomed utterly utterly doomed z3zrULC

Listen you asswipe, these Africans, timojilacs and indoyars ain't exactly patting their kids on the back when they do badly either. It's just cadaanka who do that ish. Anyways, it is not Islamic to beat the living hell out of a child for not learning their Quran and it's counter-productive.

But, the end result is the same. These kids learn. These kids are disciplined. These kids are committed. You want to lose hope and feel like you're doomed, go ahead. You want to hang your head in shame and laugh and look down on kids who have made more of what little opportunities they have than you have done in your pathetic life - go ahead. They do not need you and you will not be missed.
How is that given lmao that's not what a C sounds like in english? Somali may use a latin script but it sounds nothing like the english pronunciation, that's what I'm getting at. The only reason why I can sort of make head or tail of any of it is because I had lessons once upon a time when i was 10.

That's like me trying to read in swedish, I mean it has a latin script and it's fairly similar to danish so I should be able to understand it right? wrong. I'd still need to know what the öä equivalent would be z3zrULC

Never mind lol we veered way past my original point

I mean it's given as in all you need to know is c,x and q.
No one said it sounds like English, I stressed that it's PHONEITC. You literally just sound it out.

Yeah, never mind.
completely missing the point, intentionally I'd imagine. these are ur ppl, just because ur an atheist now doesn't mean u get triggered by any mention of anything islamic, caadi iska dhig

u ever see a dugsi back home? the discipline and willingness to learn of those kids is second to none...that was the point. adigana ur talking about bakoorad iyo wax loo jeedin :drakewtf:

I know exactly where your coming from and your dog in this fight, by looking at your 1st response in this post, let's set that aside and answer your question yes I've seeing dugsis back in the motherland since I've been there quite a few times, and there is no willingness on the part of the kids they are forced physically to learn about the diinta and if your going to say no they are not forced to learn diinta then you straight up lying, and me mentioning the bookorad is very valid are you saying there is no physical abuse going on in Somali dugsis? And you and chicken are both confusing discipline for fear, these kids have no clue about what constitutes discipline, confusing discipline and punishment, Kulaha willingness and discipline.

Second so I'm your people when it suits you ? and not the filthy atheist swine ?

Anyway have a good read >>>


Nine kitaabs on a bookshelf
I know exactly where your coming from and your dog in this fight, by looking at your 1st response in this post, let's set that aside and answer your question yes I've seeing dugsis back in the motherland since I've been there quite a few times, and there is no willingness on the part of the kids they are forced physically to learn about the diinta and if your going to say no they are not forced to learn diinta then you straight up lying, and me mentioning the bookorad is very valid are you saying there is no physical abuse going on in Somali dugsis? And you and chicken are both confusing discipline for fear, these kids have no clue about what constitutes discipline, confusing discipline and punishment, Kulaha willingness and discipline.

Second so I'm your people when it suits you ? and not the filthy atheist swine ?

Anyway have a good read >>>
lol @ dog in this fight, it ain't no fight my nigga chill. is u not somali? do u not care that some cadaan cunts are using the plight of our kids back home to score some shitty political points? so u ain't got a dog in that fight? miss me with that shit sxb

ta labaad, u seem to still be missing the point, ma is yeel yeelisaa mise waa kaa dhab? it's not about being forced or being beat. why do u think young somalis go on tahriib? they would kill to have the education opportunities we have, and many do die trying. if u deny that somalis youth in general don't value education more than us diaspora niggas then ur lying to urself. and for what, to shit on somalis over some dumb disagreement u have with Islam?
Listen you asswipe, these Africans, timojilacs and indoyars ain't exactly patting their kids on the back when they do badly either. It's just cadaanka who do that ish. Anyways, it is not Islamic to beat the living hell out of a child for not learning their Quran and it's counter-productive.

But, the end result is the same. These kids learn. These kids are disciplined. These kids are committed. You want to lose hope and feel like you're doomed, go ahead. You want to hang your head in shame and laugh and look down on kids who have made more of what little opportunities they have than you have done in your pathetic life - go ahead. They do not need you and you will not be missed.

Your totally missing the point nobody is making fun of some kids living in a third world shit hole, I'm strictly addressing the teaching methods in the dugsi which is appalling to say the least on a level your having a laugh if you think these kids are disciplined either that or you have no clue what it is to have a discipline, second so it's okay to hit a child just cos they mistaken a kasrah for a Dammah because some back water timojilacs or a African does the same :draketf: in that case if some one jumped of a cliff .. you get the point.

And the reason why I say were doomed is because if you are the next generation who hold this kind of thinking then we are certainly fucked :bell:

These kids learn. These kids are disciplined.

^^^ exact same words the elders use but the real question lays in to what effect did these methods of teaching have on Somalida? and the results are manifesting them self's greatly where ever the Somalida go that's a fact you can take that to the bank :bell:
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lol @ dog in this fight, it ain't no fight my nigga chill. is u not somali? do u not care that some cadaan cunts are using the plight of our kids back home to score some shitty political points? so u ain't got a dog in that fight? miss me with that shit sxb

ta labaad, u seem to still be missing the point, ma is yeel yeelisaa mise waa kaa dhab? it's not about being forced or being beat. why do u think young somalis go on tahriib? they would kill to have the education opportunities we have, and many do die trying. if u deny that somalis youth in general don't value education more than us diaspora niggas then ur lying to urself. and for what, to shit on somalis over some dumb disagreement u have with Islam?

I agree with some of your points and I disagree with some, and I could give a rats ass on how some right wing extremist views us, but I'm a realist like it's straight up hadaan meel xuun iis dhigiin ain't no one will point and say look even though fuckers like these right wing breitbart will always find a issue with us foreigners, it seems I miss read you and you did the same read up my post before this one saying I have issue with the teaching methods of Somalida that's my dog in this fight a figure of speech by the way that's all.


Nine kitaabs on a bookshelf
I agree with some of your points and I disagree with some, and I could give a rats ass on how some right wing extremist views us, but I'm a realist like it's straight up hadaan meel xuun iis dhigiin ain't no one will point and say look even though fuckers like these right wing breitbart will always find a issue with us foreigners, it seems I miss read you and you did the same read up my post before this one saying I have issue with the teaching methods of Somalida that's my dog in this fight a figure of speech by the way that's all.
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