Book recommendations

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I just got the new kindle after some arsehole (probably a Romany Gypsy) stole mine and I need some new books to read. I impulse ordered some crappy books like Stephen King and chick lit so please recommend something fresh and invigorating - fiction only.


I just read the blurb on Goodreads - I like your taste ICU. I love fantasy novels and it's going in.
depends on what you are into but these are my top 4
48 laws of power by Robert Greene
how to make friends and influence people by Dale Carnegie
success in not an accident by Lair Ribeiro
mastery by robert greene


lool one of the reviewers on goodreads put it in the queer shelf. I sweater god nikkas really pushing the gay agenda because there's nothing gay and I think Berg addressed it later on too smdh tbh.

I recommend it because I'm going to start the second book soon, I've been intending to for like years now lol


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
My Kindle is full of books but no fiction unfortunately. It's all academic, history and books on why religion sucks.


@KXNG I'm way past the age of self improvement - At this stage I'm happy just maintaining what I have now.

@IntensiveCareUnit lmbo! The cover and the basics of the plot are a little homo erotic :lolbron:

@VicePrez Anything life changing knocking about in there?


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
What kind of books are you in to?

A games of thrones by George R R Martin is on my to read list.
Due to my busy schedule I don't get to read as much I used to.

I love me some mills and boons though markuu wakhtigu iisaamaxo.


I like anything wallahi esp crime fiction. I like romance novels but Mills and Boon is a little biddy for me. GRRM is great - he takes shit so far that I doubt anyone else will top him in sword style fantasy.


@IntensiveCareUnit That book is not on kindle - but there is a gay story about mermen on there with the same name - maybe that's why it was shelved in the queer section lol
I just finished reading What's Right With Islam Is What's Right With America. It's a great book that compares the ideal Islamic society based on Quran/Hadith and the similarities of American society.
Lol at the gypsy joke. Harry Potter? :kobeok: I remember the books used to come out near or at the weekend and I'd read it all before school on Monday to avoid spoilers. Guys got banged for revealing Dumbledores death haha


@IntensiveCareUnit That book is not on kindle - but there is a gay story about mermen on there with the same name - maybe that's why it was shelved in the queer section lol
sometimes, you can view PDFs on your kindle. if you'd like I can send you a copy of the PDF or download the torrent on
I like anything wallahi esp crime fiction. I like romance novels but Mills and Boon is a little biddy for me. GRRM is great - he takes shit so far that I doubt anyone else will top him in sword style fantasy.

If you like crime fiction then check out Cormoran Strike crime fiction series by Robert Galbraith (J. K Rowling's pseudonym). I read the first two books (The Cuckoo's Calling & The Silkworm) and liked them a lot. The third (Career of Evil) has just come out but I haven't downloaded it yet. It's about an ex army guy who loses his leg in Afghanistan and becomes a private detective when he returns to the UK.

I downloaded 2 crime fiction books (Mr. Mercedes & Finders Keepers) written by Stephen King couple of weeks ago but haven't read them yet. I read the reviews and they were positive (Duh! The King is the author after all).


@Juujuu What was the most original point she made? There are a lot of political books/pundits on Islam in the modern world.

@Gambit You do know that Dumbledore is gay right? lol Harry Potter series are all classics like the Narnia series.

@IntensiveCareUnit - is there a step for step? I have a paperwhite, will it still work? If you can teach me how to do this I'd really appreciate your help!

@SomaliSpotter I never thought about reading her as Robert Galbraith - something weird about it like seeing your teacher on the weekends. I'll definitely give it a go - which one is the best or should I read them in the order they were released? I have Finders Keepers, that was my impulse buy and the beginning isn't all the great - maybe I got used to his style but the story doesn't leap out like it used to. Mr Mercedes sounds like a horror parody - he's been doing weird shit lately and I'm worried that it will hurt his legacy in the long run.
@Shamis the book was written by Imam Feisal Abdi Rauf. He was one of the Imams behind the cordoba initiative/park51 mosque by the world trade center in NYC. I actually like him he works a lot by trying to build the bridge between the Muslim world and the West/usa. He does a lot of interfaith work. Don't get me wrong though he is idealistic in many ways.
Basically, he uses the "Abrahamic Ethic" which is the basics that the three Abraham religions share such as be good to thy neighbor. He uses historical evidence from early Islamic civilizations and the foundations of the usa constitution/society (declaration of independence, bill of rights). He connects how the Abrahamic Ethic was part of the foundation of this country and how an Islamic society should be jsut like America minus certain parts of shariah that would conflict with the judicial system here.


@IntensiveCareUnit - is there a step for step? I have a paperwhite, will it still work? If you can teach me how to do this I'd really appreciate your help!

okay so to make it simpler, i converted it to AWZ3 file so your Kindle Paperwhite can read and uploaded it to mega uploader. let me know if it all works out!
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