Kismayo is Marehan city you onow that otherwise Barre Hiiraale wouldnt have held it for 11+ years. Where was the laandheer Ogaden then? In the 90s when no Ethiopian troops or Kenyan troops were present we kicked out Jess and Morgan and were undisputed power of the region. We will deport you back to Qabridahare like your uncle Qalbidhagax. You are a foreign fifth column that is working for the enemy that is disputing Somalia seas.
Kismayo is as Kablalax as Makkah is Qureysh, no Buun 5th column even in the 1800s, Said barre brought Marehan to kismayo in the 1970s 100 years after Kirk said only Kablalax live in Kismayo
Kablalax took kismayo from wardey and boran and gallow madow
As early as 1873 Kirk had noticed two distinct settlements of Somali around Kismayu, the Herti and the Ogaden, the two had been no more than the usual rivalry between them and on many occasions they had helped each other in their struggles against the Tunni
No BUUUUUNNNNNN on sight in Kismayo in even 1873 when white men traveleld the area
THE PASTORAL TRIBES OF NORTHERN KENYA 1800 - 1916 b y Edmund Romilly Turton