Own? N*gga this isn’t slavery.
Maids are slaves that just get paid
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Own? N*gga this isn’t slavery.
I used to live there.
Same lol which emirate
Own? N*gga this isn’t slavery.
Yes, it is.Own? N*gga this isn’t slavery.
No Somali women raised failed Faarax which in turn failed them or is the other way around ?Somali men back home failed them akhi thats why
UAE is shitty racist Arab country, I remember flying over it and it took 7 minutes to clear the whole country, Somalis shouldn't even be there in that dump.
why are people crying in the thread this is a good thing Somali maids are not allowed and Somalis along with other Arabs even UAE citizens are forbidden to work manual labour
why are people crying in the thread this is a good thing Somali maids are not allowed and Somalis along with other Arabs even UAE citizens are forbidden to work manual labour
your right I've wondered how 200 thousand Somalis were welcomed in Yemen even though its a poor country it was surprising to see oppression Olympics from SJW Somalis crying about not receiving free housing and welfare as if Yemen is a first-world European country they have to work like most Yemenis but give credit where it's due this was a generous gesture from UAE who aren't always perfectI said this time and time again Sudanis and Somalis are treated like kings in the gulf states as they are considered to be Arabs, people don't believe this because they want to go on Twitter, and have an oppression olympics with other Black people about how ''Arabs called them abeed'' because they were ''black and African''.
Of course it is works hard for pocket change get molested and has basically no freedom or rightsOwn? N*gga this isn’t slavery.
Sudanase are good people, they are welcoming to Somalisyour right I've wondered how 200 thousand Somalis were welcomed in Yemen even though its a poor country it was surprising to see oppression Olympics from SJW Somalis crying about not receiving free housing and welfare as if Yemen is a first-world European country they have to work like most Yemenis but give credit where it's due this was a generous gesture from UAE who aren't always perfect
sidenote just went to a Sudanese barber yesterday while the white guys had to book an order and wait they pushed me ahad of the que and said habibi tacal and gave me a haircut now that's what I call brotherhood
Yemenis have been getting slapped for a few years now and a large amount of them are shia.Sudanase are good people, they are welcoming to Somalis
Yemenis on the other hand are Bakhtiyaal who's Islam is in doubt
Well said, even arabs I know personally in the west are image and status obssessed. They attach to you when youre doing well and discard you when you hit rough times.Arabs only respect money, there is no consideration or kindness for people who are worse off than them. Poor Arabs like Yemeni's or Syrians get treated like shit over wealthier Saudi's or Emiratis.
I lived in Dubai for a long time, and when they see Somali's doing well for themselves (owning multiple businesses, well paying white-collar jobs) they'll call us fellow Arabs and treat us well, but if we were poor and had to be maids to make ends meet, they'd treat us like shit.
Arabs deserve 0 respect. Somali's need to only look out for our own, nobody else has our interests at heart.