Beled Xawo BANS lavish weddings in order to stop youth from migrating and encourage them to marry

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A Somali town has banned lavish weddings to encourage young people to marry and stop them migrating.

Receptions in hotels would no longer be allowed and only three goats could be slaughtered to feed guests, Beled Hawa's commissioner told the BBC.

Spending limits of $600 (£500) on furnishings for a couple's new home and up to $150 for the bride price had also been set, Mohamud Hayd Osman said.

It is not unusual for a groom's family to spend about $5,000 on a wedding.

The BBC Somali service's Bashir Mohamed says this amount includes the bride price, wedding reception, outfits and jewellery for the bride as well as new furniture.

"Islamic teachings indicated that getting married should be cheap," Mr Osman told the BBC Somali service.

The decision to restrict spending on "wild partying" and other expenses had been taken after officials met to find out why 150 children had recently been born out of wedlock in the town.

"Young women were refusing to get married unless a fortune was spent on wedding gold and household furnishings," he said.

Times were already difficult in Beled Hawa, which neighbours Kenya, because of the drought and unemployment - and the high cost of weddings was another contributing factor in people leaving the area, the commissioner said.

"A young woman must be supported to get married to the young man she chooses... so the community can grow," he said.

He said $600 should be enough to purchase a double bed, table and chairs as well as crockery and cutlery.

Traditionally the events around a Somali wedding go on for seven days.


Cultural revolution
Banned but who's gonna enforce it? No ones gonna listen:comeon:

Lavish spending is part of Somali culture so you can't really help it. This shit is deeply embedded from the times great grandfathers use to give out an entire herd of camels and spend a buttload of money/gold to get married.
So these females don't want to get married unless they have an expensive wedding huh?

So much for the "I'm marrying from someone back home" meme
Interesting Article. I was curious about the reasons for which the new rules were introduced.

- About 150 out of wedlock babies Was among other things.

The article points out how the elders of the city wanted to make marriage easy so young people in town can satisfy their need responsibly. I applaud for their vision and making life easier for the poor souls who tried achieving their biological need the wrong way..

"The decision to restrict spending on "wild partying" and other expenses had been taken after officials met to find out why 150 children had recently been born out of wedlock in the town."

"Young women were refusing to get married unless a fortune was spent on wedding gold and household furnishings," he said.

Times were already difficult in Beled Hawa, which neighbours Kenya, because of the drought and unemployment - and the high cost of weddings was another contributing factor in people leaving the area, the commissioner said.

"A young woman must be supported to get married to the young man she chooses... so the community can grow," he said. He said $600 should be enough to purchase a double bed, table and chairs as well as crockery and cutlery. Traditionally the events around a Somali wedding go on for seven days."

I wish the Elders Success :nvjpqts:



Cost of living in Somalia is so cheap.

Maid 24/7 for like 200 bucks.
Security guard 24/7 for 250 bucks.
One meal at a top end restaurant, only 3$.
150 kids born out of wedlock


They are very active hahahahaha. Very tragic. At least the town Elders came up with a sound plan to avoid this kind of irresponsibility. Men should own up their babies and be fathers. No free ride :Sutehja:
Cost of living in Somalia is so cheap.

Maid 24/7 for like 200 bucks.
Security guard 24/7 for 250 bucks.
One meal at a top end restaurant, only 3$.

Right. Prices are relative. To someone in the west, this may seem cheap, but that is a fortune back home for a young guy who doesn't work or who does labor.


Right. Prices are relative. To someone in the west, this may seem cheap, but that is a fortune back home for a young guy who doesn't work or who does labor.

If you sell your house in the West and have a small 200k pension, you can retire at 60 in Somalia and live like a king (top 1%) until you die (80ish).
@Burhan yes, it was introduced to make it easier for young people to get married. A lot of young people are jobless and don't have a lot of money. But, would it not increase polygamy :cosbyhmm:
If you sell your house in the West and have a small 200k pension, you can retire at 60 in Somalia and live like a king (top 1%) until you die (80ish).

Sometimes I wish someone would send me monthly stipends like I do send to help out others, then I would go home to enjoy a relaxed productive life where I don't feel like I am a robot doing the same thing over and over again everyday.

No amount of money I make here is worth my time. One has to work to make a living, but I would rather do work that benefits me and others and doesn't take away the joy out of life saxib.

I can't wait for my retirement.
@Burhan yes, it was introduced to make it easier for young people to get married. A lot of young people are jobless and don't have a lot of money. But, would it not increase polygamy :cosbyhmm:

Not really. Because the people who will benefit are the young men and women who were having sex without marriage. They could not afford to get married. No young female will get married to an Old guy in town when she has a man her age drooling over her.

Somalis are fair to women back home. Note how nobody condemned the youngsters who gave birth to these babies. Instead of lynching them, they came up with a plan to solve the problem. Amazing problem solving.
is it the girls demanding lavish wedding or is it their families?

if its the latter, then this makes complete sense but if its the former i dont understand how this would encourage young girls to get married. if they wanted lavish wedding and now theres a law preventing them from having that, wouldnt that discourage them even more?
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