Bantus are not even native to Cameroon


These guys even conquered that area and don't come from it. :dead:

Lipson, Mark (Harvard Medical School), Mary Prendergast (Harvard University), Isabelle Ribot (Université de Montréal), Carles Lalueza-Fox (Institute of Evolutionary Biology CSIC-UPF) and David Reich (Harvard Medical School)

Ancient Human DNA from Shum Laka (Cameroon) in the Context of African Population History

We generated genome-wide DNA data from four people buried at the site of Shum Laka in Cameroon between 8000–3000 years ago. One individual carried the deeply divergent Y chromosome haplogroup A00 found at low frequencies among some present-day Niger-Congo speakers, but the genome-wide ancestry profiles for all four individuals are very different from the majority of West Africans today and instead are more similar to West-Central African hunter-gatherers. Thus, despite the geographic proximity of Shum Laka to the hypothesized birthplace of Bantu languages and the temporal range of our samples bookending the initial Bantu expansion, these individuals are not representative of a Bantu source population. We present a phylogenetic model including Shum Laka that features three major radiations within Africa: one phase early in the history of modern humans, one close to the time of the migration giving rise to non Africans, and one in the past several thousand years. Present-day West Africans and some East Africans, in addition to Central and Southern African hunter-gatherers, retain ancestry from the first phase, which is therefore still represented throughout the majority of human diversity in Africa today.


More about Shum Laka archaeological site:

**Not a joke, it's a real abstract/study**


Not native to Ethiopia: confirmed
Not native to Tanzania: confirmed
Not native to Malawi: confirmed
Not native to South Africa: confirmed
Now, not native to Cameroon: confirmed

List is growing longer.
When everybody thought they were lying, but they really did build the pyramids after they came to earth as space conquerors
Not native to Ethiopia: confirmed
Not native to Tanzania: confirmed
Not native to Malawi: confirmed
Not native to South Africa: confirmed
Now, not native to Cameroon: confirmed

List is growing longer.
Bantus are the least passive invaders inthe world. They invade peacefully. Jews should have done it that way.

When everybody thought they were lying, but they really did build the pyramids after they came to earth as space conquerors
Well they were taken as slaves everywhere so technically they had a part of every piece of history. Like the forest gumps of the african world.
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Kinda dumb statement, they have divergent genetics.

This like saying East Asians are just chinky eyed Europeans ignoring the tens of thousands of years of evolutionary seperation.
Im joking
But they look very very similar facially
Many black South Africans look slightly similar to Khoisan, like Xhosa etc, they have lighter skin and slightly chinky eyes and 4Z hair
I can tell black South Africans easily from other bantus tbh


Many black South Africans look slightly similar to Khoisan, like Xhosa etc, they have lighter skin and slightly chinky eyes and 4Z hair
I can tell black South Africans easily from other bantus tbh

South African Bantus have between 15-30% Khoisan admixture. It's highest in the Xhosa. They got the click linguistic traits from the Khoisan.

Nelson Mandela was found to carry L0d, which is a San maternal lineage.

Nevertheless, even they are majority invader to that area.
South African Bantus have between 15-30% Khoisan admixture. It's highest in the Xhosa. They got the click linguistic traits from the Khoisan.

Nelson Mandela was found to carry L0d, which is a San maternal lineage.

Nevertheless, even they are majority invader to that area.

How do you know so much about DNA, genetics, and the history of Africa?