Bakool region’s security operation

Liyu Polis has the capacity to fight AS unlike Juboyinka where AS is funded by xamar business communty and MX.
Al- Qushaash is like cancer wherever they spread their roots it is very hard to get rid off. They occupied Jubooyinka at a time where neither a government nor Army existed to defend our people from these dogs 😢
They thrive in lawless areas. but today they messed with the people of Ogadenia who refuse to be subjected to bombings, assassinations, taxation and slavery!


These khawarij are a cancer. You can let them survive. It is too dangerous to let them live just like @peacemaker said. They all need to be executed. If even one of them gets away, they will hide in the mountains and start indoctrinating the foolish ones. Just like the prophet SCW said he will exterminate them like 'Aad and Thamud, we need to do likewise. Is there anyone left from 'Aad and Thamud today? Just like that
@TekNiKo is waiting for KDF to leave Kismaayo so that he can attack as AS and pretend its MX power like JVA which was mostly Hawiye power while mx were maqarsaar.

This guy is against peace in kismayo & Jubbaland as whole. This is what they are fighting against 👇🏾👇🏾

100%. We need to make sure Jubbaland economy is 100% native, otherwise terrorists will continue to thrive.
Hormuud should be banned from JL Axmed made alot of concessions to hawiye business men in Kismaayo too. MX are just condoms being used by hawiye. They have no leaverage be it wealth or numbers. Hawiye keep giving them support that is why they are erratic just like headless chicken.


Gedo was called Gedo Cawlyahan in 1940s,50s and even 60s

ask any older somali person in that area

we need to bring it back insha Allah and ship out the squatters to dusamareb
I met an Iiddoor former police officer who used to work for the kacaan gov. He asked me about caano-baar which the cawlyahan used to give in Baardheere to guests (the milk of camels who graze on palm trees, it has a distinct taste). He was shocked when I told him MX live there now.
You need to update the Jubbaland development thread. You seem to have a lot of info

in’sha’allah. Brothers we need to change the narrative about our lands, regions and state. The past 10 years it was all about killings, bombings terrorists. the past 30 it was civil war and more killings. we need the youths of Waamo to die for the liberation of their land and promote good news & development about the region. Our enemies hate to see us thriving!

