Award Winning Afghan Author Of The Book “The Kite Runner” Son Comes Out As Transgender!


LG gang we gon slide for my nigga 🤐🥷
Possibly. He’s Afghan tho which is surprising. Afghans are like Somalis they’re very proud of Islam being in their culture and say that being Afghan is synonymous with Islam. Tbf I think he’s a liberal as well tho
I read the book in school his dad was Muslim but not practicing he’d drink and not pray Afghanistan was very liberal back then. It makes sense in a way that he doesn’t mind this.


Isn’t being gay illegal or something from where they are from? People go through sex changes over there

Nvm that’s Iran.


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ

They've also never read the Qur'an or anything substantive about Rumi but they love him the way hippies love things, all fickle and uneducatedly. It's an "intellectual" version of "Waxaa la yiri" in that they heard he was on some hippie shit and love him as a result.

:mjlol: :kanyehmm:


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
TBH I wasn't suprised, not because the he a liberal, but because he is an Afghan, Iran, Pakistan, and subcontinental india pop up this kind of thing, they were and are very tolerant of transgenderism, in Hinduism, Shia islam of Iran, Pakistan's sunni society, even before it got attraction in the west, and maybe that for a reason.
Yh in places like Bangladesh trans people are recognized as a third gender

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
Being liberal isn’t a bad thing, I am more so left leaning then right leaning, I consider myself central left!

Well liberalism and leftism are not the same. For example, Stalin and Mao would be left but not at all liberal.

Anyways, liberalism is a bad thing if you look at things from an Islamic viewpoint.

No one can objectively study Quran and Sunnah, take that as their starting point and arrive at liberalism.

You have classical liberalism, today's liberalism and the forms in between such as 1960's liberalism.

Classical liberalism- a movement opposing Christian religious monarchies. called for secularism and liberal democracy.

Democracy and secularism are not in line with Islam.

1960's liberalism- advocating for "free love" (ie zina). Associated with opposition to the war in Vietnam, which I think was a correct position. I think they were right on that issue but the whole package of 1960's liberalism definitely has some things not in line with Islam.

Today's liberalism- basically some sort of homosexual movement. It's basically about promoting homosexuality/transgenderism and then for a moment they paused and became about promoting coronavirus measures. But the whole movement these days is basically centered around homoism. They literally promote war with Russia on the basis that Russia isn't pro-homosexuality enough for them. They were threatening to sanction Nigeria for not being pro-homo. They promote drag shows and sex change procedures for little kids.


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