At What age should you have Children in this day and age?

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If I were to have kids then I wanna have them at 35. Education all out of the way and a good amount of years into my career :obama:but that's only if I'm making good amount of money

I don't really want to waste my youth on changing nappys :ivers: My mother had kids well into her forties so I'll probs be fine lol.


Seems a bit on the late side a women reaches her peak during 23-27

Lol, the question wasn't "at what age should women get married/into a LTR?" was about the actual pregnancy part(the peak would be age 30 nowadays) and the AVERAGE woman, according to scientific consensus, only needs to start 'worrying' once she has passed 35 (past the age of 40 can also become 'dangerous').
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