Are there any non Muslims living in Somalia

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Someone being too lazy to pray means they're gaal?

If you miss prayer for no good reason, you are a gaal. You have left the fold of the religion. Islam is very clear on this. I'm a hafiz and former student of a scholar.

You cannot dismiss a pillar of Islam and claim to be Muslim. That's like eating meat and claiming to be a vegan.


Make Hobyo Great Again
We should keep the Catholic Church in Mogadishu so that Somali Catholics have a place to worship and overseas tourists can visit it.
Somali Catholics are a figment of your imagination.

I am okay with having churches and synagogues to accomodate visitors but Somalis must be barred from entering.
Someone not praying all the five prayers doesn't make them gaal. It makes them sinful but they aren't outside the fold of religion.

Saying it is not obligatory would take you outside Islam but this is not what happened here.

You made some totally unsubstantiated claim based on virtually no evidence whatsoever.
Someone not praying all the five prayers doesn't make them gaal. It makes them sinful but they aren't outside the fold of religion.

Saying it is not obligatory would take you outside Islam but this is not what happened here.

You made some totally unsubstantiated claim based on virtually no evidence whatsoever.

This is what the Prophet Muhammad said.

“Between a man and shirk and kufr there stands his neglect of the prayer.”
Cherry-picking hadith like this is not how our theology works.

I just told you it is obviously bad to not pray/not pray consistently and it can become very dangerous in terms of faith. Taking someone out of Islam altogether though is something else...
Cherry-picking hadith like this is not how our theology works.

I just told you it is obviously bad to not pray/not pray consistently and it can become very dangerous in terms of faith. Taking someone out of Islam altogether though is something else...

Lol @ cherry picking.

You neglect prayer out of laziness. The hadith is clear.

You're a gaal. Accept it.
It is a 100% Muslim country. Obviously that's not literal those types of statistics can't be anywhere. There are no other significant or known communities in Somalia.
This is categorically false. NO SCHOLAR says a Muslim who neglects prayer out of negligence or laziness is gaal.

You are welcome to research this further yourself.
Lol @ cherry picking.

You neglect prayer out of laziness. The hadith is clear.

You're a gaal. Accept it.
That's beside the point. You were implying the man did not believe in Islam and was an atheist or some other non-Muslim religion.

There are no other religious or non-religious communities in Somalia. Just Muslims.
I'm a troll.

Says the guy called 'AbdiJew' who believes a Muslim who misses a prayer or doesn't pray for any period of time is gaal. Sure mate.

I presented to you authentic hadith.

If you miss prayer due to taking a nap or violently ill or you are travelling, that's a good reason.

But you said laziness.

That is kufr. You have left the fold.
No. Listen mate. I don't know who you are but in Islam- we have various sciences. We don't just pick a hadith and go 'oh that's it then'.

In any case, you are WRONG. Google it and you'll find the appropriate answer. I'm amazed you are seriously making this argument.
No. Listen mate. I don't know who you are but in Islam- we have various sciences. We don't just pick a hadith and go 'oh that's it then'.

In any case, you are WRONG. Google it and you'll find the appropriate answer. I'm amazed you are seriously making this argument.

Its only natural that you vehemently defend yourself after being told this undeniable truth.

I am not surprised you are not giving up.
But you should be aware that denying this is also kufr (like how someone saying fasting is not necessary is kufr).

Jake from State Farm

We pro xalimo all 2019
There should be religious feeedom in Somalia. Niggas shouldn't be getting killed because they ain't Muslims.
Niggas shouldn't have to hide it either

In America we Muslims facing islamaphobia. But a majority of us ain't getting killed because of our religion. Same goes for other western countries.

U can't fight islamaphobia and be anti Christian or catholic or etc. shit don't make sense.
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