Arabs dont love you like you love them


Cushite Arab
You blocked me? stop lying saxib, your Original Arab ego wouldn't let you miss what I wrote.
I never said I blocked you, you retard 💀 nigga is dyslexic and retarded, you are being karbashed by everyone, why don't you respond to my post above? Is your ego that high that you are too scared to respond to my evidences, you know I am correct doqon
I don't want to block you as I sad, frankly your retardation is hilarious to me


Djiboutian 🇩🇯 | 𐒖𐒆𐒄A𐒗𐒃 🇸🇴

That is where you are wrong. Saying stuff like" I know", "I feel like" when it comes to important islamic issues. Present the evidence for your interpretation of the reason why Allah revealed the Quran in Arabic. I can help you with the answer, but I want you to make the effort first and dig into the subject for your benefit and for the benefit of others. Use google search.

I want you to think about the following:

- Allah sent many messengers and prophets in the past. These prophets and messengers spoke their native tongues and communicated to their people in their native languages. With these Islamic facts mentioned in the Quran, Did you see a mention of these nations and tribes having supremacy over other human beings by virtue of them having a messegner who spoke their language? And their lkanguage, was it declared supreme for the same reason of having a proiphet and a messenger?

- Why is there a need to make Arabs supreme over other human beings and use the Quran for that racist end?

- There is difference beetween learning arabic and loving it because it enables a muslim to understand the Quran, and Promoting an Ethnic agenda like Arabism that has no basis in Islam. It is offensive. Everyone has a race and language, so let us not get confused about the objective of Islam.
These points by revisionist idiots saying the Arabic language is this & that only drives people to be those XSomalian Waaqist. No serious Somali will stand there whilst you speak like that about the Arabic language and Islam over the Somali language and feel some way other than hatred
These points by revisionist idiots saying the Arabic language is this & that only drives people to be those XSomalian Waaqist. No serious Somali will stand there whilst you speak like that about the Arabic language and Islam over the Somali language and feel some way other than hatred

I think it helps to understand the message of Islam and the universality of it's teachings. For a way of life intended to be followed and practiced by humans of all walks of life from all ethnicities, promoting ethnic and linguistic supremacy among them is contradictory to Islam. These types of ethnocentric idiots only see tribe and ethnicity in everything including Islam.

They think being an Arab has spacial significance. No it doesn't and that thinking is Anti Islam.

Quran explains it's objective, Arab ethnocentric ideas have no place in there. They need to lign up among other muslims and do their part, nobody gives a rat's ass about them being Arabs.

Don't give up on Islam because of useless beings who are at the bottom of the scale today.
This thread

To many people in the horn decend from the mad men (geeljires) talking about swords and ish stick to your spears


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Did you not say Jews were favoured without explaining what the favoratism was based upon and left it to the reader to deduce that is was based on their jewish heritage? Now that I corrected your statement, you meant different? Oki.
Also it is clear Allah favoured certain races of people by virtue of the fact there ancestors were righteous, take the Jews for example,
Islam strongly objects to racial and linguistic preferences as a means of superiority among human beings. Arabic is included. It is a language. Bring me a statement from Porphet Mohammed pbuh that states Arabic language is superior? I will not say a single word of objection and will repent for the sin of ignorantly stating my stance afterwards.
Islam is against arrogance, racism and bigotry.
it is clear some languages are better than others, and some races of people have been blessed, that does not mean because you are a race you are better, in fact if you are an Arab from Quraysh who is not a good Muslim you are much worse than a non-Quraysh Muslim.

All goodness is based on piety but this does not mean a persons lineage and environment have 0 effect on how good he is, certain people have been blessed with better tribes than others just like banuu haashim is more blessed than other Arab tribes. This does not mean that because you are from banuu haashim you are better than someone else, it just means you have been blessed with more, but it does not guarantee everything

we know Quraysh were favoured over every other tribe but we also know millions of sahaaba and salaf were non-Arabs and better than any Arab that came after them

the base principle is all goodness is based on taqwa

where you come from has an effect on this and would accentuate certain aspects.

You don't need a statemetn for the Quran and sunnah to state something obvious, just google why Allah favoured Quraysh over over tribes
then it is your racial feelings clouding your mind.
What racial feelings?????

stop projecting on me, I don't even speak to Arabs, I never knew that there was a whole massive debate on whether Somalis were Arab until I came on this forum(i heard about it in real life but noone cared), I never never knew people actually hated Arabs until I came to this forum, this entire forum is obsessed with Arabs, you know I have never in my life even talked about Arabs in real life, I don't even talk about Arabs on here except for the Palestine thing which is the first time I mentioned it. I could care less about Arabs,all o you guys need to stop projecting your traumas onto me, I am just telling you what the facts.
Islam is against arrogance, racism and bigotry.
it is clear some languages are better than others, and some races of people have been blessed, that does not mean because you are a race you are better, in fact if you are an Arab from Quraysh who is not a good Muslim you are much worse than a non-Quraysh Muslim.

All goodness is based on piety but this does not mean a persons lineage and environment have 0 effect on how good he is, certain people have been blessed with better tribes than others just like banuu haashim is more blessed than other Arab tribes. This does not mean that because you are from banuu haashim you are better than someone else, it just means you have been blessed with more, but it does not guarantee everything

we know Quraysh were favoured over every other tribe but we also know millions of sahaaba and salaf were non-Arabs and better than any Arab that came after them

the base principle is all goodness is based on taqwa

where you come from has an effect on this and would accentuate certain aspects.

You don't need a statemetn for the Quran and sunnah to state something obvious, just google why Allah favoured Quraysh over over tribes

What racial feelings?????

stop projecting on me, I don't even speak to Arabs, I never knew that there was a whole massive debate on whether Somalis were Arab until I came on this forum(i heard about it in real life but noone cared), I never never knew people actually hated Arabs until I came to this forum, this entire forum is obsessed with Arabs, you know I have never in my life even talked about Arabs in real life, I don't even talk about Arabs on here except for the Palestine thing which is the first time I mentioned it. I could care less about Arabs,all o you guys need to stop projecting your traumas onto me, I am just telling you what the facts.

You contradict yourself in the same sentences by saying Islam is against arrogance and racism at the same time promote Asabiyah and racism misinterpetting the prophet's sayings. Everything you say contradicts Allah's book and there is no tribe or ethnic group including Quraysh who are superior to others based on Islam. Islam replaced tribal supremacy and ethnic supremacy with brotherhood in faith and equality.

You are a liar and a hypocrite who is spreading false religion masked as Islam. You are nothing but a charlatan whose main religion is worshipping his ancestors.

I am Somali muslim and do not recognize any tribal supremacy or ethnic superacy based on Allah's statements and on the prophet's hadeeths. Anything that deviates from those islamic facts are falsehoods.

You are not only a racist and a bigot but a nonmuslim masquarading as a Muslim. The fact that you were telling us muslims Allah preferred Jews because of their ethnicity tells all I need to know about your mulxid status.
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An ignorant minority doesn't represent all Arabs. The fact of the matter is, a Muslim doesn't base his love or loyalty on what a few ignorant people say or do, it's based on Islam. Simple as that. We are to love all Muslims, (perhaps except for innovators, deviant sects, etc).
promote Asabiyah and racism misinterpetting the prophet's sayings.
I have never promoted that again lying on me
s. Everything you say contradicts Allah's book and there is no tribe or ethnic gropup oinclujding Quraysh who are superior to others based on Islam. Islam replaced tribal supremacy and ethnic supremacy with brotherhood in faith and equality.
there is no such thing as equality brother, we are all based on our taqwaa, noone is equal we are all different,in religious and dunya terms.
there is nothing wrong with one tribe being better than the other, the problem is boasting about it.
Allah chose the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasalam to grow up in the best tribe

Wathilah ibn al-Asqa’ reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Verily, Allah chose Kinanah from the sons of Ishmael, he chose the Quraysh from Kinanah, he chose the tribe of Hashim from the Quraysh, and he chose me from the tribe of Hashim.”

Source: Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 2276

Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Muslim

I will repeat this again, alot of guys here have some ana-arab trauma, and they are projecting it onto everything, Clearly Allah prefers some races over others, but this is due to piety mainly, there are additional things onto that which increase that. One person can be from the lineage of adulterers whereas the other can be a from all marriage, in actuality the marriage lineage is much better, but that does not mean the individual is better than the zina lineage just due to the fact, they are both judged on piety, but the one from a pure lineage is more likely to be religious and have better characteristics added onto his piety.

thats why all Prophets come from lineages without any zina

main religipon is worshipping his ancestors.
Are you calling me Arab? because my ancestors were not Arabs.

You are not only racist and a bigot but a nonmuslim masquarading as a Muslim. The fact that you were telling us muslims Allah preferred Jews because of their ethnicity tels all I need to know about your mulxid status.
takfeer? ok

I literally said Jews were blessed because their ancestors were righteous, I quoted it for you because maybe you read over that, then you double down on your lie against me? for what?
This Cooli30 guy can not be muslim considering his bold lies about Allah and projecting his racism on Allah and on His messenger. There is great harm in this mulxid's posts. No one with a grain of faith can lie about Allah's intensions and contradict Islam while declaring faith all in one breath.
I have never promoted that again lying on me

there is no such thing as equality brother, we are all based on our taqwaa, noone is equal we are all different,in religious and dunya terms.
there is nothing wrong with one tribe being better than the other, the problem is boasting about it.
Allah chose the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasalam to grow up in the best tribe

Wathilah ibn al-Asqa’ reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Verily, Allah chose Kinanah from the sons of Ishmael, he chose the Quraysh from Kinanah, he chose the tribe of Hashim from the Quraysh, and he chose me from the tribe of Hashim.”

Source: Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 2276

Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Muslim

I will repeat this again, alot of guys here have some ana-arab trauma, and they are projecting it onto everything, Clearly Allah prefers some races over others, but this is due to piety mainly, there are additional things onto that which increase that. One person can be from the lineage of adulterers whereas the other can be a from all marriage, in actuality the marriage lineage is much better, but that does not mean the individual is better than the zina lineage just due to the fact, they are both judged on piety, but the one from a pure lineage is more likely to be religious and have better characteristics added onto his piety.

thats why all Prophets come from lineages without any zina

Are you calling me Arab? because my ancestors were not Arabs.

takfeer? ok

I literally said Jews were blessed because their ancestors were righteous, I quoted it for you because maybe you read over that, then you double down on your lie against me? for what?


You are telling us Muslims Allah plays the racial preference. You have no grain of faith and you should be dealt with accordingly.
An ignorant minority doesn't represent all Arabs. The fact of the matter is, a Muslim doesn't base his love or loyalty on what a few ignorant people say or do, it's based on Islam. Simple as that. We are to love all Muslims, (perhaps except for innovators, deviant sects, etc).

They surely take advantage like Yuhuud having a prophet emerge from them. Racial bigotry at its finest. The evidence is this mulxid guy now spreading the poison and questioning every non Arab muslim's faith unless they declare Arab supremacy. There is zero religious value in respecting an Arab for their ethnicity.
Google search tells me there's 30,000 of them in London. He probably has Hindu cousins and you're asking him if he knows any Bengali Hindus lol
I asked my friend about the bengali hindus, he told me he knows some.

He also told me, that ethnic Bengali, which are just Bengalis, are not hindu and its very very rare to ind any of them who are hindu

But the Bangladeshis who are originally Indian but part of Bangladesh, are more likely to be hindu
So Bangladeshis Hindu-more common
Bengalis hindu-not common at all
The following are Islamic Facts that contradict Cooli30's lies about Allah's intensions and his messenger on Race, tribal supermacy and favouratism.

- Islam replaced the inequality based on tribal membership, kinship and wealth.

O humankind! We have made you…into nations and tribes, so that you may get to know one another. The noblest of you in God’s sight is the one who is most righteous.”

“All humans are descended from Adam and Eve,” said Muhammad in his last known public speech. “There is no superiority of an Arab over a non-Arab, or of a non-Arab over an Arab, and no superiority of a white person over a black person or of a black person over a white person, except on the basis of personal piety and righteousness.”

The verse and the hadeeth ARE DIRECT CONTRADICTION OF cOOLI30's bold lies.

- All humans are equal in the eyes of God with no exceptions and status of a person and their nobility depends on their conduct. No exceptions. Allah declared that in Quran.

- Allah does not favour a tribe, a nation or an individual based on their race being better, or having relatives Allah favoured. Every person earns their status based on their deeds and faith. That status does not transfer to children or relatives as each human being is responsible for their deeds and beliefs. See the following facts in Islam:

- Allah will punish Prophet Noah's Son,
- Prophet Lot's wife,
- Prophet Mohamed's own Father whose name was Abdallah.

So if anyone was to gain favour from Allah because of kinship to someone Allah loved or loves, these relatives of great messengers and prophets would get a break. Allah told Noah after Noah prayed as a father worried for his son, that His son is not of his family.

Unlike what Cooli30 Claimed, The jews were not favoured because of their jewry or belonging to an ethncity that had messegners sent among them. The groups among them that were favoured are the ones whose conduct earned them a place with Allah and who were Muslims. It had nothing to do with them being Jews/Hebrews.

My two cents.
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