Arab Iraqi man kills Somali girl in Malaysia after she rejected him multiple times

Yeah the berbers are but the Arabs take the cake in my region wallahi
I used to talk to a Kurdish/Lebanese guy. After we met for the first time he immediately became weirdly obsessed and very clingy. He wanted to know my address and my full last name and pics of my parents and siblings. I told him to slow down but after I noticed that this guy is weird. I told him to delete my number and never contact me again he literally freaked out and threatened to hurt me if I don’t come outside and meet him. I got scared and I changed my phone number. I never expected this from him. It was such a shock for me at first he was so nice to meeee
that is ignoring the differences between arabs.

Yeminis and south arabs are pretty chill, the yeminis are basically mixed with cushite blood anyway.

the arabs in na are very different from gulf arabs too.

We also have the arabs in the more levantine region, who tend to be really cool people or just the absolute worst, very little inbetween.

There is a big difference between chilling with a yemini, who are like cousins to us in culture, to a saudi or emerati.
The ones from the Levant are the worst and Moroccans!!!


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