Any somali atheists here going for an inerracial marriage.

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Compatibility does factor in, but at the same time, I think it can only work if one party or both parties doesn't practice as much.

I know a couple sorta like this, Christian man + Muslim girl, but they steer clear of each others' beliefs and aren't up in each others' grill about their separate religions. Still, neither of them are hyper-religious, either, for if they were they could not be. It tends to be extremely hard for most people to strike that balance.

I think that's what I was pointing out. I should have probably put practicing muslim. It's hard to strike a balance for most people because of religious incompatibility. It simply doesn't work unless they ignore their religious values/customs and I don't think that's being authentic. But each to their own.
Yes, she got disowned. She went out-of-state for her Masters, but will never be coming back. A very bright, beautiful girl. I wasn't so unlucky as my parents aren't extreme, but it gets lonely since she was the only Somali girl I knew who was like me, despite being much older, which makes it so I now relate mostly to ajnabis. The religious practicing Somalis, including many of the girls and guys I knew and was friends with, treat you like an outcast but for a few.

Then people turn around and ask why so many are angry? You'd be angry too if you were treated like shit just for stated what you believe. Many Muslim communities are totally blind to (or actively encourage) the mistreatment of (including forms of dehumanization 'you're not somali' etc) minority communities amongst them, it's shameful.


Then people turn around and ask why so many are angry? You'd be angry too if you were treated like shit just for stated what you believe. Many Muslim communities are totally blind to (or actively encourage) the mistreatment of (including forms of dehumanization 'you're not somali' etc) minority communities amongst them, it's shameful.

I don't how they manage to cut people out of their lives so easily. It makes you become disillusioned with human relationships. Is anything ever real if relationships and friendships you've garnered since you were a kid are suddenly non-existent due to your beliefs? I question everything and wonder at motives a lot more. As if I didn't have enough skeptic tendency in me to begin with. I can't imagine what it feels like to have one's own parents disown them.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
my parents would never cut me off for this shit

probably has something to do with them coming to this country in their late teens and early 20s
I don't how they manage to cut people out of their lives so easily. It makes you become disillusioned with human relationships. Is anything ever real if relationships and friendships you've garnered since you were a kid are suddenly non-existent due to your beliefs? I question everything and wonder at motives a lot more. As if I didn't have enough skeptic tendency in me to begin with. I can't imagine what it feels like to have one's own parents disown them.

I know, it's insane. I hope if I ever become a parent I won't f*ck up so spectacularly. Sometimes there are happy-ish endings though, after a few years the parents change their minds, lol. Not that the children of those parents are always happy to hear it though. It's sad man. I've seen it happen a few times.
my parents would never cut me off for this shit

probably has something to do with them coming to this country in their late teens and early 20s

Imo, this is modus operandi of Muslim parents of all backgrounds, regardless of when they came to the country, or indeed, even if they did. Generally speaking, leaving Islam = getting disowned from family, and ostracized by the community. Sometimes it doesn't happen that way, obviously, but from what I can see, that's generally the case. There's a lot of former muslims who don't come out publically because of it. A lot. I don't know why so many muslims see them as a threat. Islam has spread across the world and has a billion+ followers, a few religious dissenters isn't worth getting into a panic over. I can't help but think it comes down to some insecurity.
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Most somali atheists have personal issues with high level of depression.

How many do you know? And that doesn't really mean much anyway. Lots of people have depression (that could be a direct result of the trauma of losing your faith), and absolutely everyone has 'personal issues'. Neither should count as a stigma against someone whether muslim or not.


The religion is pretty strongly us vs them. Disbelief puts you with them. They don't see it as an issue of their own intolerance, but as a betrayal perpetrated by you, like you turned your back on them. It's very uncanny and unfortunate.
This explains why I only seem to meet Somali atheists online and they are over-represented on tbis site in particular.

Btw we did a thread on whether Muslims on here would disown their offspring if they left the Deen and majority said they wouldn't.


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
This explains why I only seem to meet Somali atheists online and they are over-represented on tbis site in particular.

Btw we did a thread on whether Muslims on here would disown their offspring if they left the Deen and majority said they wouldn't.

They are overrepresented online because of the hostility they face in their communities, which unfortunately is a shameful indictment of many Muslim communities.

I hope one day we can be like European Christians and European Atheists, they live amongst each other openly & peacefully despite disagreement on religion.
I'm actually currently dating a Somali Muslim. She's very liberal and she wants to be with me despite my Atheism. She doesn't care that I'm an Atheist.

Didnt you say you are married to Danish woman? And now this? You sound like a troll now.


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
Didnt you say you are married to Danish woman? And now this? You sound like a troll now.

lolwut? Ive been with women as a fling, both Danish and Somali. Sometimes on and off with the same woman.

This is a serious relationship courting.
lolwut? Ive been with women as a fling, both Danish and Somali. Sometimes on and off with the same woman.

This is a serious relationship courting.

I can't be bothered to dig up your posts. You posted specifically "you are married to a Danish/ leftist woman" but anyway carry on.

What Muslim woman would want to be with an atheist? Unless hes pretending to be Muslim. Not saying that you are but I imagine most would.
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