Another Dark Skin vs Light Skin video.

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:banderas: The far left corner

I wouldn't mind watching their videos if they look like this don't care about creativity
If there was any creativity they wouldn't all have the same physical appearance as though their heads were dipped into that same toxic chemical laden bucket.

Even worse then all this! they look like they are all on the same exact unhealthy diet, yet you expect creativity in thought ?

I find your expectation of 'creativity' among the diaspora filth more amazing then what's being showcased on that video.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
:banderas: The far left corner

I wouldn't mind watching their videos if they look like this don't care about creativity

I'm afraid the Red Pillers were right. Men don't care for creativity in women. They are simpletons only in search of a stable supply of malaab. :siilaanyolaugh:
If there was any creativity they wouldn't all have the same physical appearance as though their heads were dipped into that same toxic chemical laden bucket.

Even worse then all this! they look like they are all on the same exact unhealthy diet, yet you expect creativity in thought ?

I find your expectation of 'creativity' among the diaspora filth more amazing then what's being showcased on that video.


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