Annoying SSpot Users

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Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
@Jiron deserves an appreciation thread. He's become my fave poster, 2nd fave being @R.Kelly that weirdo.
He is not harmless. Lmao. He is disgusting and has a habit of saying disturbing, sexually harassing things.

I sincerely would like to see him gone off this website for good. If I were a mod, he'd be banned on his first day :ftw9nwa:
Naah, take your Somnet ethos elsewhere. This place is a free speech haven.

Matter of fact I'm adding you to the list of annoying peeps just for this comment. @El padrone has the right to be disgusting and creepy. Imagine the tremendous number of rapes he would have committed in the real world against innocent hijabi sisters if he did not have a safe cyber outlet for his deranged fantasies.
We don't want no authoritarian dhoocils around here
He is not harmless. Lmao. He is disgusting and has a habit of saying disturbing, sexually harassing things.

I sincerely would like to see him gone off this website for good. If I were a mod, he'd be banned on his first day :ftw9nwa:
Naah, take your Somnet ethos elsewhere. This place is a free speech haven.

Matter of fact I'm adding you to the list of annoying peeps just for this comment. @El padrone has the right to be disgusting and creepy. Imagine the tremendous number of rapes he would have committed in the real world against innocent hijabi sisters if he did not have a safe cyber outlet for his deranged fantasies. We don't want no authoritarian dhoocils around here


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Naah, take your Somnet ethos elsewhere. This place is a free speech haven.

Matter of fact I'm adding you to the list of annoying peeps just for this comment. @El padrone has the right to be disgusting and creepy. Imagine the tremendous number of rapes he would have committed in the real world against innocent hijabi sisters if he did not have a safe cyber outlet for his deranged fantasies.
We don't want no authoritarian dhoocils around here
@Luna must think this is the kacan kkk
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