Andrew Tate has already begun giving dawah


East Africa UNUKA LEH
Ehh I do agree Islam solves a lot of the modern worlds problems but I’m not a fan of the guy trying to sell the idea of a “submissive Muslim obeying wife” for dawah
Lmao they get mad when women tell other women “my money is my money and his money is my money”, at least that has some truth to it, who the f*ck said I have to cook for you and be your personal maid
Lmao imagine telling ajnabi women to join islam because you get a sugar daddy with it
But if we have a problem with this fake ass dawah, we are “feminists”. No you’re just a misogynistic incel. YOU cope harder


East Africa UNUKA LEH
I don’t mind him spreading his beliefs whether his doing it for views or not.

That’s clearly his rights.

but he clearly is promoting his beliefs: on a specific young sexually frustrated demographics; where he’s luring them in.

Their expectations is gonna have a rude awakening when they realise being a Muslim is more than just having 5 spouses. as Tates fans wanted to cope through.

They should remember being a Muslim is to be a committed believer

as Gods states in the Quran:

O mankind! Reverence your Guardian-Lord, who created you from a single person, created, of like nature, his mate, and from this pair scattered (like seeds) countless men and women. Reverence Allah, through Whom you demand your mutual (rights), and reverence the wombs (that bore you); for Allah ever watches over you. (4:1)
Even the murtad knows islam isn’t having 4 slaves as “wives”.


East Africa UNUKA LEH
This guy was probably offered thousands of cheap and clean xalimos from UK from their shameless male relatives and sheikhs
I don’t even know how to reply to this but you’re a dayuus and fucking lowlife. Xalimos don’t have dicks but somehow you’re riding us 24/7. Jump off into oncoming traffic. Please and thank you. :axvmm9o:
This guy was probably offered thousands of cheap and clean xalimos from UK from their shameless male relatives and sheikhs
Langaab mentality. How many burner accounts you got on Twitter slandering Somali sisters ? I can tell you ain’t got no options bro :mjlol:

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
What type of dawah is this, Tate straight up just told Ross if he would revert and marry a muslim woman, he would get an upstanding and caring woman. In order for a man to have this type of a woman, he has to be himself upstanding and a caring man. Shit aint easy.

Also the statement ”they know the best way to serve Allah is to serve their husbands” is extremely incorrect, shit is borderline shirk, equating a mere man to being Allahs level SubhanAllah.

Muslims around Tate should pull him aside and tell him to stop these acts, he is now a muslim. While he just reverted, he can’t be saying shit like this, he needs to study his religion more especially as a revert.
What type of dawah is this, Tate straight up just told Ross if he would revert and marry a muslim woman, he would get an upstanding and caring woman. In order for a man to have this type of a woman, he has to be himself upstanding and a caring man. Shit aint easy.

Also the statement ”they know the best way to serve Allah is to serve their husbands” is extremely incorrect, shit is borderline shirk, equating a mere man to being Allahs level SubhanAllah.

Muslims around Tate should pull him aside and tell him to stop these acts, he is now a muslim. While he just reverted, he can’t be saying shit like this, he needs to study his religion more especially as a revert.

Plenty of Muslim males actually think women were created to serve and worship them.
That's why men like Tate think Islam subjugates women and that it falls in-line with their ideology.
If this man has this many followers, just imagine how many will follow Dajjal, a being that has actual powers.

Tate is a modern-day Pied Piper, but instead of playing a tune to lure children, he is luring teen and Adult men to their doom. Keep following these men and see where you end up.



Also the statement ”they know the best way to serve Allah is to serve their husbands” is extremely incorrect, shit is borderline shirk, equating a mere man to being Allahs level SubhanAllah.
I don’t think he meant it like that, but that a woman obeying her husband and pleasing him is a great deed in Islam. There is a hadith that say that if a woman passes away with her husband pleased with her, then she will enter Jannah. And another hadith that says if a woman obeys her husband(along with other qualities), she can enter any door of Jannah she chooses to.
I don’t think he meant it like that, but that a woman obeying her husband and pleasing him is a great deed in Islam. There is a hadith that say that if a woman passes away with her husband pleased with her, then she will enter Jannah. And another hadith that says if a woman obeys her husband(along with other qualities), she can enter any door of Jannah she chooses to.
Yes, correct.

why is he using Muslim women as a way to lure men in? What about true belief in aqeedah? Everything is about women and now he using us as bait for gaal men. Muslim women are being objectified here and the way Muslim men are accepting this in the Dawah scene like dayuuth is sad to see.

Isn’t It funny that Somali men would usually make comments about reverts becoming Muslim to gain access to Muslim/Somali women and that as soon as a man becomes Muslims even without knowing the basics they get married, well this is now being encouraged on a mass scale but this time it’s being fully encouraged and now they’re shutting down any woman that expresses concern.

Since when have your sisters, daughters, cousins ect become like candy they can lure other men in to Islam, when Islam is all about submission to Allah first and foremost, rather than just a woman obeying her husband. There is an element of a God complex and these men are more interested in a woman’s submission rather than wholly submitting to Allah.

@El Nino is also correct. They are equating man to God, because his whole sctick is about women and women only, rather than being a true slave to Allah.

Even when he just converted or maybe the day before, the first Hadith he posted was about women being the majority In hell. Wallahi, I’m shocked, when someone first converts, they’re more concerned about their own Akhira and trying to go heaven.

I really and I mean really hope that these Dawah men at the very least speak to him and tell him to first focus on gaining knowledge.

I have a feeling that more is to come so everyone brace yourselves.
This guy was probably offered thousands of cheap and clean xalimos from UK from their shameless male relatives and sheikhs
He’s been talking about Muslim women like that in general, no mention of Somali women. You’re hatred of us is a bit evident here. I don’t know why you have issues with us but my Allah cure you of your sickness but this is indeed a sickness.

if you’re really concerned about Muslim women being ‘offered’ like objects, then you’d be concerned about what Tate is saying. He is literally bringing men into Islam, not through submission to Allah, but through having another human a woman submit to them.

women are the central narrative here and instead of being irritated by Tate, you attack your fellow Somali sisters who have nothing to do with that cadaan man and the biggest supporters of this is men like you. So don’t attack us.
Yes, correct.

why is he using Muslim women as a way to lure men in? What about true belief in aqeedah? Everything is about women and now he using us as bait for gaal men. Muslim women are being objectified here and the way Muslim men are accepting this in the Dawah scene like dayuuth is sad to see.

Isn’t It funny that Somali men would usually make comments about reverts becoming Muslim to gain access to Muslim/Somali women and that as soon as a man becomes Muslims even without knowing the basics they get married, well this is now being encouraged on a mass scale but this time it’s being fully encouraged and now they’re shutting down any woman that expresses concern.

Since when have your sisters, daughters, cousins ect become like candy they can lure other men in to Islam, when Islam is all about submission to Allah first and foremost, rather than just a woman obeying her husband. There is an element of a God complex and these men are more interested in a woman’s submission rather than wholly submitting to Allah.

@El Nino is also correct. They are equating man to God, because his whole sctick is about women and women only, rather than being a true slave to Allah.

Even when he just converted or maybe the day before, the first Hadith he posted was about women being the majority In hell. Wallahi, I’m shocked, when someone first converts, they’re more concerned about their own Akhira and trying to go heaven.

I really and I mean really hope that these Dawah men at the very least speak to him and tell him to first focus on gaining knowledge.

I have a feeling that more is to come so everyone brace yourselves.
I have a really bad feeling muslim women are going to start getting specifically targeted by these incels

the way the incel was like

“How do I get an Islamic Woman” and

Tate responded “Become a Muslim yourself first”

Its the way they were discussing Muslim women as commodities for me :idontlike: