Alt right somali account targetting innocent revert

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He made a thread on twitter about how his Somali friends guided him to Islam. That was such a nice story since he got stabbed and was about to die. His friends started to teach him about the beauty of Islam. It was a nice thread.
Although I disagree with the racism here, being racist on a forum is different to being directly racist to a revert in dms.


Racism is racism and it's despicable. But why do people here put the revert on a pedestal when it's Ok to disparage, dehumanise and demean Muslim Somali Bantus here? fluctuating principles!!!!!


Somali fathers(if they're even in their children's lives) are dayuuths who let any random ex con Cadaan or Madow revert marry their daughters who get divorced and left with ajnabi kids when they get bored and leave Islam. In Salafi circles, the only victims of marriage bandits (men who divorce and marry a new woman every week) are reverts and Somali women.

Compared to Arabs and Asians who have strong patriarchal families that guard their daughters and make sure that only a suitable educated suitor from their culture marries their daughters.

And you make it out as if it's a good thing that Somali women are worth nothing more than an apple. :susp:

Hard cold truth, brother


Ashy Abdi Representative
Don't be shocked apparently there's lots of groupchats where they make it to be racist it's actually funny but targeting one person and calling them an ape:gucciwhat:
Where's their deen he will use this against them on judgement day. That person must have heart of arrogance if we have any arrogance we won't go jannah. This is the one thing I always strive to change in myself


Ashy Abdi Representative
This is so true....somalis more than any other muslim group welcome revert. The whole marrying somali girls come from revert hang with somalis and show them good heart. Few idiots on twitter isnt representive of us
Actually because we're so welcomed they call us racists when we don't allow them to marrying into us. How desperate do you have to be to carry on after the parents say No. Never would I stoop so low


Ashy Abdi Representative
Tbh so what one guy was racist to him and how are somalis racist now. He needs to air the person and keep it moving suck it up and be a man or bait him out.
No pity party he's expecting


if your somali and your boys a gaal if he want's to become muslim it's most likely cause he wants to tap your sister or cousins.
I wouldn’t even let a non Somali let alone a gaal in my house, anyone who does that needs some gheerah
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