Akafi comes out as fruity

I said a lot, not the majority. Even 25% can be a lot, keep that in mind.
I am basing this off twitter, youtube, etc, a lot are supportive.
Women in general tend to be accept anything due to emotions, look at the wife of Lut [alayis salam], she supporter her people and helped them, thus, Allaah destroyed her, with them.
why were you downvoted? it's true most times women accept these lifestyles. I see it all the time on twitter, titkok, it's always women supporting gays, trans, transracials, 300+ pound women.


Minister of Propaganda
You From Mudug Right Aquarius Are A Plenty There I Hear

Aquarius is star sign that is associated with which month someone is born.

There are a lot of Aquarius in your tuulo of Eyl.

Unless you were referring to something else?
Oh please, save us the nonsense Oromo dadqalato, as usual with the Islam and 'we are miskeen' talk and then when you come close enough, you will slit our throats as we sleep just as you did to Somalis who neighbour you like Geri Koombe and even Karanle Hawiye, who were forced to run to IDP camps in Puntland.

Thank you for never mincing your words, and actually being brutally honest, I learn things from your posts.

I’ve noticed that in general, ajanabis get too comfortable, esp on Somali platforms to have their say in matters that don’t concern them. And I’ve seen that some of them are men who just because they’re married to Somali women, think they are entitled to.


He Has A Unique Name Akafi

His name is Cabdi Kaafi. Nothing unique about that :mjlol:
Somalis have so much land because we kept expanding, we did not displace or assimilate anyone as the land was empty. Your people have been invading full cities like Dir Dhaba.

And what does expanding entail? conquests. how much of that land was empty that you guys have now? very little. let's not engage in deception here, we all know our histories here. Somali's were great conquerors and conquered land from oromo's, afars, and others. the oromo's conquered land from others as well. this is basic human history. every ethnic group has conquered new lands, lost some lands, etc.
Oh please, save us the nonsense Oromo dadqalato, as usual with the Islam and 'we are miskeen' talk and then when you come close enough, you will slit our throats as we sleep just as you did to Somalis who neighbour you like Geri Koombe and even Karanle Hawiye, who were forced to run to IDP camps in Puntland.

Sure, all Oromo's are responsible for what those Oromo's did, the same YOU are responsible for the somali terrorist acts then, the somali drug dealers, the somali gangsters, etc? or, Nah?
Yes they are one lady even mentioned how she will take revenge in Hargeisa for her dawarsi by having as many Oromo kids as possible

what's dawarsi? and okay, who is letting here stay there though? the SL govt can easily deport her, as they did to countless other oromo's.


East Africa UNUKA LEH
What is a jaajuus? How have I as an individual ''impersonated Somali's,'' then? Please, do tell me? I am willing to admit, if I am wrong in any situation, if you present facts [as opposed to just insulting me and Oromo's].
If what you said is true, and those Oromo's stay there, then wow, we'll be having political parties in Somalia soon! We'll even have mixed Qabiils soon there seeing as we blend right in!

I myself am a diaspora Oromo/Ethiopian, I am responsible for my own sins and mistakes, not for what other Oromo's do-the same way that, you as an individual, are only responsible for your sins and mistakes, not those of other Somali's. What are Oromo's doing today, to Somalis', by the way? Just curious to see if you can present facts.
Killing somalis in galbeed


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