Af-Soomaali Thread

cufisjiidad waa awooda dabiiciga ee isku xidha meereyaasha iyo xidigaha, taas oo suurto galisaysa in ay ku wareegaan hannaanka qaabilsan. Cufisjiidadku waa awood aan la arki karin ama maqli karin, laakiin waa la dareemi karaa oo waxaa saameeya xarumaha kala duwan ee ku wareegsan meereyaasha iyo xidigaha. Cufisjiidadka qoraxdu waa mid aad u wayn oo keenta in meereyaasha iyo dayaxa ku wareegaan hannaanka qaabilsan, taas oo suurto galisay
cufisjiidad waa awooda dabiiciga ee isku xidha meereyaasha iyo xidigaha, taas oo suurto galisaysa in ay ku wareegaan hannaanka qaabilsan. Cufisjiidadku waa awood aan la arki karin ama maqli karin, laakiin waa la dareemi karaa oo waxaa saameeya xarumaha kala duwan ee ku wareegsan meereyaasha iyo xidigaha. Cufisjiidadka qoraxdu waa mid aad u wayn oo keenta in meereyaasha iyo dayaxa ku wareegaan hannaanka qaabilsan, taas oo suurto galisay
Qeexida 2aad. Wikipedia

Cufisjiidad ku waa awooda dabiiciga ee isku heeysa meereyaasha iyo xidigaha ay ku wareegaan. Cufisjiidadka lama arki karo lamana maqli karo laakiin waa la dareemi karaa. Awooda cufisjiidadka waa tan suurto galisay inaan dhulka dul socono. qoraxda oo ah Xidig aad u wayn isla markaana leh awood cufisjiidad aad u badan ayaa isku heeysa meereyaasha iyo dayaxyadooda iyo duniyaha kale ee Bahda Midaysay Qoraxdu oo dhulku ka mid yahay.
In Somali language pencil is called Qalinqori


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In Somali language pot is called Dheri or digsi.

These two name are most common know name for pot. However you could find other words for it.


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Garaad diinle

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Somalis say qalin. Qalin qori is self evident and rasas is arabic meaning lead. Qalin is arabic and usually you would say in arabic qalam rasas Ω‚Ω„Ω… Ψ±Ψ΅Ψ§Ψ΅. Qori is somali and means write but also means other stuff too. I say qalin without the qori or rasas.
Somali language have many words for pencil sharpener. Every village/town/city created a name for this tool. However, there are four common words most Somali can understand no matter where they come from or at least understand one or two words. This is because the root words of those four word are Somali language too. These word are explanatory as they explain their purpose.

Pencil sharpener in Somali language are

Qalinqor (feminine),
Qalinjar (feminine),
Qoroto (feminine),
Xuruurufley (feminine)

Example of sentences

- Samatar ma haysto qalinqor. Qalinqori kale oo qoranna ma haysto.
- Qalinjartaydii ayaa iga luntay.
- Qorotadaada ma i amaahin kartaa?
- Saaxiib, ii soo dhiib Xuruurufleydaa.


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Yeah we say digsi. I think dheri is a clay pot if i'm not mistaken.
True. However the meaning is drifting from its old meaning to new meaning. Nobody uses clay pot anymore so people adopted the name to the new modern tool.

Saaxiibtay!!, dheri ayaa ii saaran dabka. Markaan ka qaado ayaan is raaci doonaa. Anaa ku soo waci doona.
Somalis say qalin. Qalin qori is self evident and rasas is arabic meaning lead. Qalin is arabic and usually you would say in arabic qalam rasas Ω‚Ω„Ω… Ψ±Ψ΅Ψ§Ψ΅. Qori is somali and means write but also means other stuff too. I say qalin without the qori or rasas.
Qalinqori is a compound word

qalin = a tool that writes something such as ink etc. Also, Qalin means pen, pencil, qalin khad (bamboo sticks) or any kind of thing that writes something.

Qori = wood or stick

pencil is made of graphite (lead) and wood.

so, in Somali language the wood (qori) and qalin is combine to create Qalinqori. Qalinqori is authentic somali word. It is created by Somalis.

I sourced from a book that written in 1972, and my aasaas 2 dictionary.
In Somali language pencil is called Qalinqori
Qalinqori is a compound word

qalin = a tool that writes something such as ink etc. Also, Qalin means pen, pencil, qalin khad (bamboo sticks) or any kind of thing that writes something.

Qori = wood or stick

pencil is made of graphite (lead) and wood.

so, in Somali language the wood (qori) and qalin is combine to create Qalinqori. Qalinqori is authentic somali word. It is created by Somalis.

I sourced from a book that written in 1972, and my aasaas 2 dictionary.
Anigu waxaan u aqaanaa Afduwane. Waxaan ku soo koray magaalo yar.

For me it is Afduwane. I grew up small town most of my life.


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