Advice me

I am 29 years old. I met a guy last year. I want to get married the thing is i am broke no career due to bad choices that i now i regret and learned from.i feel stuck . my family are giving my the side eye some looking down on me. All my friends are either married Some with kids this part is easy for me because i have never dine things based on what my friends do anyway its my family that are the problem.I am extremely depressed somehow never got over by my first heartbreak.
This guy is telling me not to worry he Will take care of the finances he reassured me although i've never brought it up to him he has offered me gifts which i refused i do not like taking things from men only to end up walking away or stay out of guilt.He wants to marry me. He is respectful. my clock is ticking so loud i could marry any random homeless dude to make a baby its that bad.The thing is i feel so ashamed of myself i feel like i am using him. I got cold feet i ended it with him. He tried to reach out i have not responded to him for months now. I think i am heading towards spinsterhood no joke.. I've lost interest as well as respect in marriage due to those around me who are either miserable in a marriage or divorced with kids. I find myself getting cold feet frequently Not being a mother was never a life i pictured for myself it truly scares me. What else could i do with my life? The thought of It alone makes me feel insignificant.
Should i give him a chance? Should i follow my gut? I don't like where my life is heading. I've never felt so scared in my Life.
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I am 29 years old. I met a guy last year. I want to get marry the thing is i am broke no career i feel stuck. my family are giving my the side eye some looking down on me. All my friends are either married Some with kids this part is easy for me because doe things out pressure anyway its my family that are the problem.I am extremely depressed never got over by my first love.
This guy is telling me not to worry he Will take care of the finances. He wants to marry me. He is respectful. my clock is ticking so loud i could marry any random homeless dude to make a baby.The thing is i feel so ashamed of myself i feel like i am using him. I got cold feet i ended it with him. He tried to reach out i have not responded to him for months now. I think i am heading towards spinsterhood. I've lost interest as well as respect in marriage due to those around me who are either miserable in a marriage or divorced with kids. I find myself getting cold feet frequently Not being a mother was never a life i pictured for myself it truly scares me. What else could i do with my life? The thought of It alone makes me feel insignificant.
Should i give him a chance? Should i follow my gut? don't like where my life is heading. I've never so scared in my Life.
Your clock is ticking as a first wife,
but dont worry you can always be a 2nd/3rd/4th :fittytousand::drakekidding:
You should've had a baby under 25.
Your children will most likely be deformed or have diseases if you get pregnant now.
It's harder to become pregnant when you're age 40, according to the March of Dimes. The group notes that half of all women 40 and older have fertility problems. The March of Dimes also notes that pregnancy risks increase significantly at age 40. For example, a 40-year-old's risk of having a Down's Syndrome baby are 1 in 100, compared to a 30-year-old's risk of 1 in 1,000. Miscarriages also increase with age. At age 40, there's a 35 percent risk of losing the pregnancy. Pregnant 40-year-olds are also more likely to have complications such as gestational diabetes, high blood pressure and stillbirth.
It's harder to become pregnant when you're age 40, according to the March of Dimes. The group notes that half of all women 40 and older have fertility problems. The March of Dimes also notes that pregnancy risks increase significantly at age 40. For example, a 40-year-old's risk of having a Down's Syndrome baby are 1 in 100, compared to a 30-year-old's risk of 1 in 1,000. Miscarriages also increase with age. At age 40, there's a 35 percent risk of losing the pregnancy. Pregnant 40-year-olds are also more likely to have complications such as gestational diabetes, high blood pressure and stillbirth.
nigga she is 29 not 40. and your comment made it sound like someone who is 26 would risk disease.


@Mimir the guy is right. the risk of a baby getting down syndrome and other compilations is greater when the mother is pregnant and is also over 40

