Aden Adde vs Siad Barre : Which Somali Leader Contributed to Higher Growth? A Comparative Analysis

That's all propghanda Ogaden were fighting Siad Barre for years, they had Aliance with SNM, After Ogaden sided with Caydeed, reer ugaas Sharmarke expelled all Ogaden from Baardheere.
Ogaden were fighting for their land which msb wanted to use state resources to displace them.
Gedo was ogaden land before refugees from nageyle and balambale were settled.


Sound mind sound body
Somalia in her glory days
Aden Cade gave British hell and tried to get back NFD and got somaliland to join Somalia he is legend and deserves 🐐 status too. Documentary on him at 27:20 cadan guy cleaning his shoes paying respect to Somalia warrior 💪 Empire state of mind



What policies of kacaan? Somalia has always been a dirt poor country, the kacaan government isn’t any different to today’s Somalia. Somalia was a dirt poor aid dependent country back then like right now. The only difference was we actually had military (again funded by Soviet Union).
policies of Kacaan ? like building an oversized water purification plant in Kismaayo that was shut down due to it being too costly and unnecessary for Somalia's water needs. A mistake that was repeated with Bardhere electricity producing dam, completely retarded projects.

policies such as anti-private sector, this ties into the freedom of movement which encroaches on private property aka land, during the Kacaan all land belonged to the government.

I can list many things that I don't like about the Kacaan, none of them include destroying dissident, and I would never say current government can compete with the Kacaan on any index.

today the private sector is still under attack, it has never been supported by the government, we could actually take loans before, we can't do that now as there is no central bank, so its actually worse today, but almost 40 years later, the people have gotten on with it, and today private sector is powerful with one of the best telecommunications and money transfer companies, but this is despite government, not because of post kacaan government lol.

You are extremely delusional person


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
MSB was beginning to succeed in making Somalia self sufficient in food by the late 80s. In the 19 years between 1970 & 1989, he managed to raise Somalia's cereal production by 277%, an annual growth rate of 5.5% per year. Somalia is today producing ~25% of the cereals it produced during the peak in 1989 under MSB.

MSB had some success, but was overall a disaster. He singlehandedly destroyed the Somali state. Clan competition and animosity grew into genocidal hatred under his rule. Somalia is decades behind where it should be due to MSB. The more you read about him and how he ran the country, the more you grow to despise him.

Comparing MSB to Aden Cadde is a disrespect to the memory of Aden Cadde, an actual democrat and a real Somali nationalist. Aden Cadde actually believed what most Somalis pretend to believe.


Bantu Liberation Movement
Aden Cadde actually believed what most Somalis pretend to believe.

Oh No Reaction GIF by Rockstar Games
Somali language was standardized under the Kacaan and English/Italian usage was ended for government affairs, also many factories were built, the army was built, literacy was raised to 80-90%, many methods were developed to stop famines etc

The first 7-9 years of the Kacaan were unmatched. Not even being bias but it's the simple truth. After 1978-79 the currency devalued, people were killed in Mudug due to a failed coup attempt, rebels groups started forming, clannism was fueld again, and the gov became more totalitarian. Siad Barres paranoia was probably increased after 1980 as well.

This is all a result of losing the war in mu opinion, things would've definitely panned out way differently if we won or MBS waited and secretly funded the WSLF and waited until the mid 80's to attack

Aden Adde and Shermarke were okay but objectively speaking; compared to the first few years of the Kacaan government development and progress don't think they are better. It would've been cool if the Kacaan Gov. used Aden Adde in the government, he and all the odeys of the SYL were the first to try and express concerns before 91' and were advocating for reconciliation
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