A Somali girl explains why she's marrying a revert.

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I learn something new everyday on this forum. Never knew how much hatred there is for the opposite gender on here. I hope its just a somalispot thing and not in real life.

Guys: Somali women are damaged. Chasing ajnabi to go up a fake status ladder. We own them, and they should never marry outside.
Girls: Somali men are a bunch of uneducated morons, who does nothing but drink tea with their friends all day and impregnate their wife(s). On welfare, and cant provide for his family.

I mean what the hell? I would laugh if it wasn't so sad.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Notice how she defines us all by the worst amongst us and defines the reverts by the best amongst them. As if there are no vices and evils amongst whites (including reverts) such as aspects of jahiliyah which they may have retained.

''Not all reverts are ex-convicts or low lives stop the pathetic rumours and propaganda you wish ill and stop finger pointing.

'' But all Somali men are welfare hogging promiscous deabeat that dads with several children out of wedlock. Geeljire you need to be mature and aknowledge the problem in our community ''
:draketf: Then she says'' I remind you to stop bad mouthing Somali women'' after what she badmouthed Somali men. Never seen such self righteous vitriol.
You sound like you're sexually frustrated, xalimo's ain't giving you none so you've declared war on them online.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
You xalimos suffer from alot of issues and self hate is one of them, my city is rife with salafi women marrying literal ex cons, women who lower themselves to that level deserve no respect.
War nin yaho bax oo wax isku faal your calaacal is unparalleled, may Allah bless the xalimo who trampled on your heart, say amiin.
You sound like you're sexually frustrated, xalimo's ain't giving you none so you've declared war on them online.

:what:I always find it weird how you guys consistently try to project crap onto me because i have opinions you disagree with me. Saaxiib i dont give a crap what you say or make up about me on a forum. I have a life.

This chick was insulting all Somali men and i corrected her with facts.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
I learn something new everyday on this forum. Never knew how much hatred there is for the opposite gender on here. I hope its just a somalispot thing and not in real life.

Guys: Somali women are damaged. Chasing ajnabi to go up a fake status ladder. We own them, and they should never marry outside.
Girls: Somali men are a bunch of uneducated morons, who does nothing but drink tea with their friends all day and impregnate their wife(s). On welfare, and cant provide for his family.

I mean what the hell? I would laugh if it wasn't so sad.
It's unreal how fucked up some of these niggas are


future pirate king
It's not an online thing most guys my age know somali women come with too much baggage and issues, we all agree in unison, sometimes wrong.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
:what:I always find it weird how you guys consistently try to project crap onto me because i have opinions you disagree with me. Saaxiib i dont give a crap what you say or make up about me on a forum. I have a life.

This chick was insulting all Somali men and you are bending over backwards for her like some effiminate fag.:snoop:
I know many decent loyal xalimo's so let's drag their name through the mud cause of this on girl shall we. You logic my dear child never ceases to amaze me, find yourself a xalimo & release some of your pent up frustration in the bedroom, halaal way.
I know many decent loyal xalimo's so let's drag their name through the mud cause of this on girl shall we. You logic my dear child never ceases to amaze me, find yourself a xalimo & release some of your bent up frustration in the bedroom, halaal way.

I didnt drag anyones name through the mud. I was responding to @Daisy post. I never even insulted Somali women on this thread.

Didnt you even read who i was respong to before you qouted me.? She said all Somali men are welfare hugging promiscious deadbeat, who give birth to several kids out of wedlock. Then she convenienty made excuses for reverts and made them out to be above us like there is no evil or vices among them..

All i did was point out how hypocritical, stereotypical and insulting her post was.
These types of chicks come in all races. They talk down to their men & obsess over even the most basic of white guys.
They're usually self-haters a good amount of the time
Can't see why anyone would be upset about losing them:kobeok:
There's still tons of Somali women dedicated to Somali men, who also have much better personalities than these stuck up cunts have.
More importantly, why don't they just go and date whoever the want instead of making such a big issue out of it?:heh:



A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
I didnt drag anyones name through the mud. I was responding to @Daisy post. I never even insulted Somali women on this thread.

Didnt you even read who i was respong to before you qouted me.? She said all Somali men are welfare hugging promiscious deadbeat, who give birth to several kids out of wedlock. Then she convenienty made excuses for reverts and made them out to be above us like there is no evil or vices among them..

All i did was point out how hypocritical, stereotypical and insulting her post was.
She's right there are many deadbeat faraxs out there, that's why some of these xalimo's are seeking security from men of various races.

You're a teen you don't know anything about the relationship between a man & a woman. You're frustrated that you're still a virgin & you see other races of men eating Somali food while you're deprived of it lol


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
I have noticed it's always the faraxs who have been rejected by a xalimo are the ones who go on a crusade online to tarnish xalimo's image.
She's right there are many deadbeat faraxs out there, that's why some of these xalimo's are seeking security from men of various races.

You're a teen you don't know anything about the relationship between a man & a woman. You're frustrated that you're still a virgin & you see other races of men eating Somali food while you're deprived of it lol

I never denied that those types of people exist , but you cannot define us by the worst among us and define others by the best amongst them.

She cannot on one hand say ''Stop bad moathing and stereotyping reverts and Somali women'' when she is doing the exact same thing towards Somali men.

Why inject age everytime you disagree with my post as a rebuttal. If my age was unknown. Which it is actually, what you would you say?

Instead argue what you want to argue and make points not lame ad hominems.


future pirate king
I have noticed it's always the faraxs who have been rejected by a xalimo are the ones who go on a crusade online to tarnish xalimo's image.

Bradar women who marry ex cons for chicken are in no position to reject anyone.

Is there a Mustafa conference going on somewhere, fam?

No whenever somali women come up in conversation we just all agree they are bad news, we can't all be wrong.
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