A lot of the Trump supporters have black wives

Okay well then what African country are they from?
They were creoles from Cade verde, free people of color and zambo descended from maroons that fled to Central America. My maadow family’s culture and history is very interesting. There’s a lot of interesting fringe American cultures that got no love. The Gullah are black Americans that keep a lot of their west African culture intact.
@Naa Everyone on my mum’s side has a different surname and varies a lot in looks. There’s a hierarchy, though. The head branch of my mum’s kin is Buckley. One of their surnames is Grim Buckley, which SO AWESOME. He sounds like a vampire hunter. Most of them have Spanish names, Nora, Irma, mine (Angela), Glenda, Rosa. They’re trades are agriculture, law, mysticism and marriage alliances. My grandma graduated high school at 13 years old . My maadow family live in Texas, Florida, Wisconsin, Arkansas, Louisiana, Michigan,North Carolina, Missouri, Japan and Manhattan.
@Naa Me, my dad and my grandpa went through a lot and integrating was very hard on us. My dad felt a lot of guilt for not being Muslim. My grandpa was estranged his family for a very long time. He still sent money back home, though.
But that was then. Blacks say that Trump supporters are racist. So by that narrative, why would a black women (support are allegedly pro-black) choosing to marry them ?
A lot of racists have black boyfriends/girlfriends wives/husbands and biracial children. I have seen a handful of white women with biracial children who are conservative. These people talk white and sleep black. No different from these ankh hotep Afrocentrists who have white counterparts.

