100 Shukaansi Questions you should ask your Somali Halimo Finacee? PLz Don't Marry a Halimo/Women unless satisfied with the answers!

You'd be surprised. Cousin of mine married an Isaaq fella. Her aabo is Ogaden and her mama (my maternal aunt) is MJ. When his hooyo found out about her mother's qabiil she wasn't vibing with it and objected to the marriage.
I will take you’re word on this story lol. Damn that’s actually insane.
Naas Balaq,for God's sake,please try to find another hobby ASAP, try to use that energy to work overtime as a porter, your clout chasing and severe obsession with anonymous members specially me is so middle school and not even amusing a bit, you need to grow TF up man and stop embarrassing us.

Mashalah, my kids are older than yours and look just like their dad and ofcourse I have many members on here on my socials who can vouch for me. @durwa @Striker @Libaax-Joore.

I am not the looser who married a Carrebeean Ja33r women that used to serve the whole neighborhood and probably does it still while you are at work hence why you are embarrassed to post them on Instagram unlike me.:icon lol:

May be if you try to work out a bit then you might be lucky enough to finally impertagante your Jare3r wife and produce your own kids this time.:pachah1::drakelaugh:
Youre a landheer for making kids and having other men raise them :samwelcome: its fucked up what u do but its landheer shit.