100 Shukaansi Questions you should ask your Somali Halimo Finacee? PLz Don't Marry a Halimo/Women unless satisfied with the answers!


[[Puntland Republic 🇸🇱]]PIM[[C.S(BihinYusuf)]
This speaks more about you than you probably intended. Why were you pursuing a woman with that many babies under the age of 3? Why would you mooch off or allow a mother with young children to cover your expenses and obligations as a man??:kanyehmm:

I was unemployed and in school and in foster care as well, ofcourse I wasn't planning to marry at the time but the women was persistent and was on a holly war to trap me in her,

I came to find out her whole intention was to show off to other single mother Halimos that she can secured a handsome young Farah who has never been married before because most of her envious friends told her no way I would agree to a marriage.

By the way even my Isaaq Ex wife paid most of our wedding expenses even though I was able to and after our honeymoon I bought her a Nissan Murano for 9k, I would probably be childess by now if my EX Halimo didn't work with me and convinced me of marrying her.


A lot of talk from a guy that's never been married.

Got to love the Internet: people transforming themselves into something they're not.
I was unemployed and in school and in foster care as well, ofcourse I wasn't planning to marry at the time but the women was persistent and was on a holly war to trap me in her,

I came to find out her whole intention was to show off to other single mother Halimos that she can secured a handsome young Farah who has never been married before because most of her envious friends told her no way I would agree to a marriage.

By the way even my Isaaq Ex wife paid most of our wedding expenses even though I was able to and after our honeymoon I bought her a Nissan Murano for 9k, I would probably be childess by now if my EX Halimo didn't work with me and convinced me of marrying her.
Ok now I understand the first one 🙏🏽

But why the 2nd time? Also would you really have stayed unmarried and childless just because a woman expects you to pay fully or partially for the wedding? And who are these women who are paying for their own wedding, smh? No wonder you guys are all kibir these days smh. I think it’s emasculating and as a man you should step up. How you start your marriage is how it ends.


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
Why not, would you wifey/husband a Halimo/guy who showers only once a week and isn't hyrgenic? I am surprised you have a problem with this Q out of all,an important one indeed.

I remember 10 years ago, I refused to marry this beautiful OG Single mother who was willing to pay for everything even, at first
I noticed how messy their house was almost every time I paid a visit. It was like walking into a redneck trailer park house in Tennessee, only daipar wearing kids were crwaling around and it was obvious that she takes her time to change the kid which basically caused the house to smell like Shit, there was also dirty cloths piled up almost every corner and the hoarding habit and collecting unnecessary stuff :nahgirl:

I didn't need any more evidence to rule her nasty ass and realize she was unhygienic and asking her about her showering habits wouldn't matter anymore.

Hygiene is important but no need to ask someone how often they shower thats common courtesy
I have a few questions myself.

why differentiate between (I'm assuming) bar soap and liquid body wash?

who repeats socks? :mindblown:


[[Puntland Republic 🇸🇱]]PIM[[C.S(BihinYusuf)]
@Amirah dhex yareeyeey.😘

I dont know why but I have a feeling you are approaching that age where Somalis would call you Is Goronyo or Heblaayo Gablan if you don't tie a knot soon, why not do trail and errorr with me instead of letting those eggs to a waste and have a faith.

Anyway,it is getting depressing for me now and I am feeling lonely out here in Oklahoma, every Halimo I talk to do far dont even want to drive through the state yet alone live here.:wow:

Marka Shax Shaxleeyey ,if you are lonely like me don't hesitate to DM me before I end up with a foreign women, I don't know why but I still got the hots for Isaaq girls, something about that Waqooyi accent and light combined with them illko cas teeth gets me is appealing to me and excites me.:ahh::salute:


[[Puntland Republic 🇸🇱]]PIM[[C.S(BihinYusuf)]
A lot of talk from a guy that's never been married.

Got to love the Internet: people transforming themselves into something they're not.

Naas Balaq,for God's sake,please try to find another hobby ASAP, try to use that energy to work overtime as a porter, your clout chasing and severe obsession with anonymous members specially me is so middle school and not even amusing a bit, you need to grow TF up man and stop embarrassing us.

Mashalah, my kids are older than yours and look just like their dad and ofcourse I have many members on here on my socials who can vouch for me. @durwa @Striker @Libaax-Joore.

I am not the looser who married a Carrebeean Ja33r women that used to serve the whole neighborhood and probably does it still while you are at work hence why you are embarrassed to post them on Instagram unlike me.:icon lol:

May be if you try to work out a bit then you might be lucky enough to finally impertagante your Jare3r wife and produce your own kids this time.:pachah1::drakelaugh:


Naas Balaq,for God's sake,please try to find another hobby ASAP, try to use that energy to work overtime as a porter, your clout chasing and severe obsession with anonymous members specially me is so middle school and not even amusing a bit, you need to grow TF up man and stop embarrassing us.

Mashalah, my kids are older than yours and look just like their dad and ofcourse I have many members on here on my socials who can vouch for me. @durwa @Striker @Libaax-Joore.

I am not the looser who married a Carrebeean Ja33r women that used to serve the whole neighborhood and probably does it still while you are at work hence why you are embarrassed to post them on Instagram unlike me.:icon lol:

May be if you try to work out a bit then you might be lucky enough to finally impertagante your Jare3r wife and produce your own kids this time.:pachah1::drakelaugh:

Defo touched a nerve with that four paragraph reply.


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
There is no way Somali families still care about this in 2021. :deadmanny:

You'd be surprised. Cousin of mine married an Isaaq fella. Her aabo is Ogaden and her mama (my maternal aunt) is MJ. When his hooyo found out about her mother's qabiil she wasn't vibing with it and objected to the marriage.
Me? Lol what you mean? Pls elaborate lol
@Amirah dhex yareeyeey.😘

I dont know why but I have a feeling you are approaching that age where Somalis would call you Is Goronyo or Heblaayo Gablan if you don't tie a knot soon, why not do trail and errorr with me instead of letting those eggs to a waste and have a faith.

Anyway,it is getting depressing for me now and I am feeling lonely out here in Oklahoma, every Halimo I talk to do far dont even want to drive through the state yet alone live here.:wow:

Marka Shax Shaxleeyey ,if you are lonely like me don't hesitate to DM me before I end up with a foreign women, I don't know why but I still got the hots for Isaaq girls, something about that Waqooyi accent and light combined with them illko cas teeth gets me is appealing to me and excites me.:ahh::salute:
You’re overly emotional and hypersensitive. I’m not sure why a simple question of why you’re fantasizing about some imaginary women paying for your imaginary weddings turned into long arse personal attack. Clearly you hate people pointing out your parasitic nature. Maybe don’t publicly expose yourself next time if you can’t deal with tough questions. As for Isaaq women, highly doubt any would even touch you with a 10 foot pole. :francis:


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