“Somali brother smacked up by Asian wife family”


Reewin. Lixda Gobol ee Maayland unii leh!
Thank you for the source sxb. Rare to see in

i agree. It’s sad to see their reaction to him, and these are people who wear hijab go mosque etc LOL. But rules are rules, if father didn’t give permission it’s not a marriage. Never shocks me how non Somalis view us despite “ one ummah” and all the fake virtue signalling. It’s a tough blackpill to take when you realise they don’t give an iota but luckily we historically don’t care or plead victim but keep it moving. Allah is witness to everything
Facts. Even if his preference is ajnabi women there are many ajnabi families that would happily give their daughter to a Somali man. Same way with somalis there are some who are open to ajnabis and some who are more closed off to ajnabi and prefer Somali.

It's best to respect father's wishes and keep it stepping. It might hurt at first but it's the best way to deal with it.
Facts. Even if his preference is ajnabi women there are many ajnabi families that would happily give their daughter to a Somali man. Same way with somalis there are some who are open to ajnabis and some who are more closed off to ajnabi and prefer Somali.

It's best to respect father's wishes and keep it stepping. It might hurt at first but it's the best way to deal with it.
yeah the brother is 21 and whilst educated and successfull mashallah, perhaps the idealism of romance was too strong, not a chance he gets involved in this drama if he was 30. Going to the cops was also naive also showing his age. dont matter the country the pigs are the pigs they would lick xaar before helping us keeping it 1000. this is why it breaks my heart when i see a somali fed.


Reewin. Lixda Gobol ee Maayland unii leh!
yeah the brother is 21 and whilst educated and successfull mashallah, perhaps the idealism of romance was too strong, not a chance he gets involved in this drama if he was 30. Going to the cops was also naive also showing his age. dont matter the country the pigs are the pigs they would lick xaar before helping us keeping it 1000. this is why it breaks my heart when i see a somali fed.
Yes. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt since he is very young and inexperienced. He is probably also trying to figure out life so. Anyways I hope he is successful.
After watching the Instagram story I've come to the conclusion the Somali brother is in the wrong. If the family clearly denies you there daughter then why keep pursuing and interfering with the daughter. Yes, it's wrong to deny someone because of race but the Somali guy should have backed off and looked for a different girl.

This is low-key embarassing. Why are we acting like black people complaining about racism. There is a abundance of women out there, doesn't make sense for you to stick to one woman.
"Why are we acting like black people complaining about racism?"

Really. Never knew. Did the family give their blessings.

But imagine a Madow guy came for your daughter/sisters hand in marriage and your family denied him. And he continues to speak/pursue her. After clearly telling he is not welcome to marry your sister. What would you do?

After verbally warning him to stay clear from your sister the next step is gonna become physical unless your a dayuuth who allows his sister to speak to non mahram men.

So imo this afghan family done no wrong. Except the fact they denied him because of his darkskin. But all in all you should respect the families wishes. Better then being married into a family that hates you.
"But imagine a madow guy came for your daughter/sisters hand in marriage?"

You have a deep complex seek help.

They were violent and abusive. They have no right to intimidate him or the young woman.


Reewin. Lixda Gobol ee Maayland unii leh!
You have a deep complex seek help.

They were violent and abusive. They have no right to intimidate him or the young woman.
Complex? Please explain?

Also it's also wrong for the brother to pursue a sister he was denied by the wali. I'm sure they weren't violent from the get go but rather after he was persistent.


I put Books to the Test of Life
After watching the Instagram story I've come to the conclusion the Somali brother is in the wrong. If the family clearly denies you there daughter then why keep pursuing and interfering with the daughter. Yes, it's wrong to deny someone because of race but the Somali guy should have backed off and looked for a different girl.

This is low-key embarassing. Why are we acting like black people complaining about racism. There is a abundance of women out there, doesn't make sense for you to stick to one woman.
Afghans are backwards in the sense that even South Asians face racism from them; they even discriminate against themselves, particularly the East Asian-looking ones; I have never met a bad one; we shouldn't generalise just as Somalis would want only Somalis; the Afghan family wanted an Afghan person regardless of whether he was South Asian or not.

Akhi Ayman comes across as quite peculiar, almost like a gossip queen. If I were the Somali guy, I wouldn't appreciate my personal matters being discussed in such a public and humiliating manner, especially with Ayman exaggerating the details. Sadly, many ethnic groups and individuals, including non-Somalis and non-Blacks, encounter similar situations. It's frustrating that instead of focusing on sharing teachings from the Quran and Sunnah, Ayman tends to drift off-topic and discuss unrelated matters during the halaqa.
Afghans are backwards in the sense that even South Asians face racism from them; they even discriminate against themselves, particularly the East Asian-looking ones; I have never met a bad one; we shouldn't generalise just as Somalis would want only Somalis; the Afghan family wanted an Afghan person regardless of whether he was South Asian or not.

Akhi Ayman comes across as quite peculiar, almost like a gossip queen. If I were the Somali guy, I wouldn't appreciate my personal matters being discussed in such a public and humiliating manner, especially with Ayman exaggerating the details. Sadly, many ethnic groups and individuals, including non-Somalis and non-Blacks, encounter similar situations. It's frustrating that instead of focusing on sharing teachings from the Quran and Sunnah, Ayman tends to drift off-topic and discuss unrelated matters during the halaqa.
tbh the somali guy publicised it himself, he wants ppl to see it so he can get help or something
Most reverts, ex Road men convict turned practising tend to find very good reception amongst Somali women in particular more than other ethnic women.
Don’t drag down your own sisters and fellow Somalis, amongst all the groups in the west, Somalis have the least amount of interracial marriages, way way down the pecking order. One or two bad apples doesn’t mean our female half is rotten. The Somali body is one, and our sisters, mothers and the like are our backbone and our biggest supporters, there’s a reason why all Somali boys are to a degree mothers boys (no shame in it, even I am), our fathers are important and give us lessons on the outside world and whatnot, but our mothers are infinitely more valuable as the prophet peace be upon him said “jannah is at the feet of our mothers” so walaaliyal stop the karbaashing and hablaha somaliyeed hala dhowrsaado


LG gang we gon slide for my nigga 🤐🥷
Somali men who marry Timojileec women have cursed their lineage. I've heard of a family like this, their mother made sure to pass on her self-hating ways, and so her kids don't even claim Somali. At least Cadaan women don't have a strong culture to pass on and they tend to adopt the culture of their husband.
Dats a fact half cadaans are more likely to claim their Somali side but with that being said I’d rather my kids get raised by an Indian girl they gon instil that work ethic into my kids


LG gang we gon slide for my nigga 🤐🥷

It’s timp jileec girls that are obsessed with Faarax, they are the one chasing us down cause their own mens are seen as weak and not good 😹 wallahi no Somali want to marry one of them, and he really think that we are sad that they don’t want us ? LMAO we are 100x more racist than them
I think it depends where ur at the ones I see on my tiktok in the uk an shii are super fine but the ones in canada are recent immigrants and got that fob Indian look I can’t get jiggy wit em

