‘Somali’ murtads aren’t Somali

Are Somali gaals somali?

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Weren’t you one of the people angry that France banned hijabs for under 18s in public places. You expect the west to be tolerant of religions but want complete religious intolerance back home. :heh:

Muslims tend to be very hypocritial, I notice it with my own family as well.

Move to the West and enjoy all the freedom and quality of life but they don't want Somalia to be like this.
To be Somali is to be Muslim. Islam is basically what unites as an ethnic group, plus it’s deeply engrained within our culture. A Somali without Islam is just another madow IMO.
What about pre-Islam Somalis ? I would argue that Somalia has always cultural values that vibes with the teachings of Islam.
Shrugs, the Catholicism my dad’s side is just Sunni Muslim with a Catholic aesthetic. I get mistaken for Muslim 99.9 percent of the time. Hell, my dad always fast during Lent and Jesus is portrayed as a mortal normie. Plus, the Pope buys all their frankincense from Somalia.
Islam phrase: “Al-hamdu-lillah” means “all praise due to God”
Donatist phrase: Deo Laudes, which is Latin for God be Praised
Shrugs, the Catholicism my dad’s side is just Sunni Muslim with a Catholic aesthetic. I get mistaken for Muslim 99.9 percent of the time. Hell, my dad always fast during Lent and Jesus is portrayed as a mortal normie. Plus, the Pope buys all their frankincense from Somalia.
Islam phrase: “Al-hamdu-lillah” means “all praise due to God”
Donatist phrase: Deo Laudes, which is Latin for God be Praised
Being somali isn’t based on religion if you go to Somalia as a Muslim foreigner they might occasionally treat you well but the vast majority of the time in social situations they won’t accept you. Being a Somali gaal you won’t be accepted either but unless you openly say your not Muslim you will be accepted into most social situations. Big difference there has even been famous somali gaals like micheal mariano
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Option no are using the same logic as transsexuals, that you can change your biology (gender in the case of trans) based on your beliefs. :chrisfreshhah::damn:
Being somali isn’t based on religion if you go to Somalia as a Muslim foreigner they might occasionally treat you well but the vast majority of the time in social situations they won’t accept you. Being a Somali gaal you won’t be accepted either but unless you openly say your not Muslim you will be accepted into most social situations. Big difference there has even been famous somali gaals like micheal mariano
Well, I’m still more Muslim than everyone in NOI. Hell, the dogs I care for at my job are knowledgeable about the Koran than Louis Farrakhan.
What about pre-Islam Somalis ? I would argue that Somalia has always cultural values that vibes with the teachings of Islam.
Murtads are people who were Muslim and became (kaafir) atheist, jew, christian etc:
People who were originally gaalo are not murtads but i doubt you'll find a Somali gaal with gaal parents so there's probably no original gaalo Somalis :damedamn: