Somali boy in bullying video speaks out

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This kid embarressed us big time whos pulling up to the school with me ?


But how comes these "monkeys" have their country in order and u dont have yours in check?
what country these savages didnt have one they never understood the value of gold never built cities or had any knowledge of trade and commerce they were practicly savages living in the jungles of africa.

nairobi founded by the british 15th century
lagos means lake in portogues founded 15th centruy
cape town british and dutch 15th century
kampala founded by the british 18th century

while ethiopia and somalia were civlizations for centuries
mogadishu was founded 2 thousand years ago as well as ziela

when the british arrived they found them playing with rocks of gold these people had no idea the value of gold
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Always Lit

Everybody lies, which ones are tolerable??
what country these savages didnt have one they never understood the value of gold never built cities or had any knowledge of trade and commerce they were practicly savages living in the jungles of africa.
nairobi founded by the british
lagos means lake in portogues founded 15th centruy
cape town brithis and dutch
kampala founded by the british

while ethiopia and somalia were civlizations for centuries
mogadishu was founded 2 thousand years ago as well as ziela

when the british rrived they found them playing with rocks of gold these people had no idea the value of gold
Nobody was born knowing the value of anything saaxib. waa isku xaarijirtey bro. If somebody stepped on your head when u were an infant, you wouldve died or atleast be retarded.
I dont know what your point is.?
what are u trying to say?


Nobody was born knowing the value of anything saaxib. waa isku xaarijirtey bro. If somebody stepped on your head when u were an infant, you wouldve died or atleast be retarded.
I dont know what your point is.?
what are u trying to say?
just admit it thier ugly and resemble apes for a reason, not only that but their stupid as hell and also criminal violent savages , who are also hyper sexualy promiscuous thier nothing but animals
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